Let me tell you a thing or two about a thing or two. There was something on my mind that I wanted to share with everyone, you know, because I'm a caring guy. But I forgot. So now let me make amends and take you back to our friends The Christians. When last we left them they were denying evolution and actually claimed that humans used to live alongside dinosaurs. You know, the usual almighty bullshit. But it wouldn't really be fair to you nice people if I went on and on about all that. So this time I will tell you about something else. Witchhunts.
It must have been a really great day when somebody in the Vatican came up with witchhunts. Who knows, maybe they all thought it's a really keen idea, you know, sort of like a sport? Whatever it was that they had on their minds just plain screams MURDER. And the witchhunt is still on to this very day. Let me show you.
When you look at a woman, what do you see? I personally see an essence of energy, something that comes from the Earth herself, a true human being in the purest of forms. Because no matter how they look, where they come from, or what they think, they are all women. Just like all men are men. It's a question of genetics, not point of view. You see, the problem is, most people don't really see it this way. They think that women are somehow creatures of lesser importance than men, that in some ways they are inferior to the mighty muscular alpha-males. Those who think that couldn't be more wrong if their life depended on it. Let me tell you a little about the history of society in our great species. If you follow the lectures even poorly, you know that in the beginning, back when the first societies started forming around the world, it wasn't men who were leading the tribes. All ancient civilizations at some point were ruled by women. Interesting, isn't it. Now, why do you think it was like that? Because back then men recognized that women are in fact superior to them. And it wasn't really only because of the fact they are the ones who give birth to children. No, that wasn't the case at all. The fact of the matter is that men recognized and understood one simple truth: women can naturally control the minds of men. It's sort of one of their gifts. Yes, they do have to endure the pains of pregnancy and labor, but this is what they get in return. A great power to control the minds of men.
So the women ruled the world for quite a long period of time. With social evolution came the struggle for power, the war of the sexes. Men decided it's unfair that they don't get to call the shots, they were the hunters and warriors after all. But we'll get to this part in just a little while. First let me tell you about what women actually are, and represent to me.
Women are the purest representation of nature and the Universe itself visible to the human eye. Women are the shrines that men used to offer sacrifices to in the olden days. They are the guardians of sexuality, the keepers of all that is pleasure and sweet and decadent. Women are the temples of sexuality. That is their power, they completely control every single situation because it's up to them whether they will accept the offering or not. And that is how they can control the minds of men. There is so little a woman actually has to do to have a man wrapped around her finger, it might seem ridiculous. She barely has to do anything at all. Just a spark in the eye, a seductive look, or even something as little (or big, depends on how you look at it) as scent can have a man jumping hoops of fire for a woman. The power of mind control has always been in the possession of women. It is their very nature to be the superior gender. And it's alright! That's the thing: it should've stayed this way!
You see, men got on a real ego trip at some point and started to conspire against their female goddesses. They tried their best to come up with something that would take the power of sexuality from the women, so that they in turn wouldn't be tempted, and so on. This my dear friends is one of the reasons why Western religions were invented. Look at what they did.
First of all, the Jews deemed women filthy, made them responsible for the Original Sin and shoved them into an abyss of shame and guilt. With their artificial god and ridiculous Tora they domesticated the free women, making them nothing more than slaves. For hundreds and hundreds of years women were tortured, abused and discriminated against because these stupid ignorant bastards actually thought that a woman is responsible for them getting thrown out of Heaven (not that there was a Garden of Eden to begin with, but you can't really argue with these people using logic). If you read the Old Testament you will see the clear message it gives: women = evil. Woman responsible for Original Sin. Lilith seducing Kain who killed his brother. On and on and on it goes. I'd say every page has an evil woman mentioned at least once in that book. And this is how the situation presents itself at the moment: women are forced into domestic slavery. Now it's alright for the man to rule and beat his wife around the house, because religion has given him permission to do so. How? By telling him that the woman is pure evil and should only be used for reproduction. Can you fucking believe that? A couple of steps down on the social evolution ladder women were divine creatures. Then BAM, in comes god and makes them the source of all evil in the world. Literally.
And by the way, if you take a closer look, you'll also notice that the world was way better off when women ruled it; read history and you'll learn that the rule of men has always been a huge FAILURE of epic sizes.
Anyway, now men are in control and they feel all powerful and shit. But somehow that is not enough for them so they go even farther and create a whole new religion: Christianity. But it wasn't the Christians who fucked it all up in the beginning of Jehovah's rampage. It was the Muslims who brought the ultimate shame on women, making them cover their bodies so that not a single fragment of bare skin would be visible. Do you know why they did it? Because deep inside they knew, that even thought they are in control at the moment, the women could reclaim their power any time, just by using their divine gift of sexuality. So out of fear and desperation the Muslims invented their ridiculous dress code for women.
And this little introduction brings us right back to the core of the subject: witches. Obviously at some point women had to start rebelling against the male tyranny. Some of them would bravely disobey the society's rules and live freely, like they used to in the past. The more they did it the more men panicked. So in their ivory towers they invented a cool new outdoor activity: burning witches at the stake.
But wait a second, hold the phone. What's a witch? Basically, the way I see it, a witch is a woman who decides to live outside of society's norms and regulations, which are unfair and enslaving to her, and takes on the life she was meant to live from the very beginning of mankind: out of her own will she discards the unnecessary clothing and dumb superstitions takes hold of her sexuality again and turns her body, mind and soul into a temple of freedom, pleasure and love, just like in the old days. This witch is an empowered female, fully aware of her sexual power and inner strength. Like I said, the woman turn into a witch, her body becomes the altar of carnal pleasures once again. The very essence of Earth flows in her veins. A beautiful, lustful and free woman is what I see. A witch is what the double-digit IQ Christians see.
So men are scared shitless now, they have to eradicate the problem ASAP, lest their stranglehold on society be loosened. And amazingly, they are quite good at it. The number of women killed because of unfounded accusations of witchcraft is horrifying. But as always, it only takes one spark to ignite the fire. And that fire was started by the historical witches. Since those days women have been struggling to regain their rightful position in society, but even now, in the 21st century, they are still discriminated against, punished for nothing and not treated equally by the still ruling men. It's just disgusting.
Let's sum it all up. First, women were divine creatures, leaders of mankind and altars of sexuality. Then, they were enslaved by religion and have been fighting to be reinstalled in their proper position for like five thousand years. It seems like so little when I type it. But I'm actually ashamed of how men transformed their goddesses into tamed slaves. Shame. Big shame.
The way I see it, the modern world needs more witches. Our society needs more shameless women to recreate the old order of things. We as a species need the women to be braver and stronger than ever before, to finally slit Christianity's wrists and bring back the natural. Because there is absolutely nothing natural about Christianity, there never was. Christianity is anti-woman. Is that loving everyone equally? I don't think so. I say that now in the digital age we need more of the witches. We need them to use the media to expose us to the naked truth, literally. Every man knows that he comes down to basic instinct when the witch is naked in front of him. Do it more, and do it with pride, that is what needs to be done.
My woman is my shrine, my altar of sacrifice to the flesh. To Earth. That is how all man ought to think.
It must have been a really great day when somebody in the Vatican came up with witchhunts. Who knows, maybe they all thought it's a really keen idea, you know, sort of like a sport? Whatever it was that they had on their minds just plain screams MURDER. And the witchhunt is still on to this very day. Let me show you.
When you look at a woman, what do you see? I personally see an essence of energy, something that comes from the Earth herself, a true human being in the purest of forms. Because no matter how they look, where they come from, or what they think, they are all women. Just like all men are men. It's a question of genetics, not point of view. You see, the problem is, most people don't really see it this way. They think that women are somehow creatures of lesser importance than men, that in some ways they are inferior to the mighty muscular alpha-males. Those who think that couldn't be more wrong if their life depended on it. Let me tell you a little about the history of society in our great species. If you follow the lectures even poorly, you know that in the beginning, back when the first societies started forming around the world, it wasn't men who were leading the tribes. All ancient civilizations at some point were ruled by women. Interesting, isn't it. Now, why do you think it was like that? Because back then men recognized that women are in fact superior to them. And it wasn't really only because of the fact they are the ones who give birth to children. No, that wasn't the case at all. The fact of the matter is that men recognized and understood one simple truth: women can naturally control the minds of men. It's sort of one of their gifts. Yes, they do have to endure the pains of pregnancy and labor, but this is what they get in return. A great power to control the minds of men.
So the women ruled the world for quite a long period of time. With social evolution came the struggle for power, the war of the sexes. Men decided it's unfair that they don't get to call the shots, they were the hunters and warriors after all. But we'll get to this part in just a little while. First let me tell you about what women actually are, and represent to me.
Women are the purest representation of nature and the Universe itself visible to the human eye. Women are the shrines that men used to offer sacrifices to in the olden days. They are the guardians of sexuality, the keepers of all that is pleasure and sweet and decadent. Women are the temples of sexuality. That is their power, they completely control every single situation because it's up to them whether they will accept the offering or not. And that is how they can control the minds of men. There is so little a woman actually has to do to have a man wrapped around her finger, it might seem ridiculous. She barely has to do anything at all. Just a spark in the eye, a seductive look, or even something as little (or big, depends on how you look at it) as scent can have a man jumping hoops of fire for a woman. The power of mind control has always been in the possession of women. It is their very nature to be the superior gender. And it's alright! That's the thing: it should've stayed this way!
You see, men got on a real ego trip at some point and started to conspire against their female goddesses. They tried their best to come up with something that would take the power of sexuality from the women, so that they in turn wouldn't be tempted, and so on. This my dear friends is one of the reasons why Western religions were invented. Look at what they did.
First of all, the Jews deemed women filthy, made them responsible for the Original Sin and shoved them into an abyss of shame and guilt. With their artificial god and ridiculous Tora they domesticated the free women, making them nothing more than slaves. For hundreds and hundreds of years women were tortured, abused and discriminated against because these stupid ignorant bastards actually thought that a woman is responsible for them getting thrown out of Heaven (not that there was a Garden of Eden to begin with, but you can't really argue with these people using logic). If you read the Old Testament you will see the clear message it gives: women = evil. Woman responsible for Original Sin. Lilith seducing Kain who killed his brother. On and on and on it goes. I'd say every page has an evil woman mentioned at least once in that book. And this is how the situation presents itself at the moment: women are forced into domestic slavery. Now it's alright for the man to rule and beat his wife around the house, because religion has given him permission to do so. How? By telling him that the woman is pure evil and should only be used for reproduction. Can you fucking believe that? A couple of steps down on the social evolution ladder women were divine creatures. Then BAM, in comes god and makes them the source of all evil in the world. Literally.
And by the way, if you take a closer look, you'll also notice that the world was way better off when women ruled it; read history and you'll learn that the rule of men has always been a huge FAILURE of epic sizes.
Anyway, now men are in control and they feel all powerful and shit. But somehow that is not enough for them so they go even farther and create a whole new religion: Christianity. But it wasn't the Christians who fucked it all up in the beginning of Jehovah's rampage. It was the Muslims who brought the ultimate shame on women, making them cover their bodies so that not a single fragment of bare skin would be visible. Do you know why they did it? Because deep inside they knew, that even thought they are in control at the moment, the women could reclaim their power any time, just by using their divine gift of sexuality. So out of fear and desperation the Muslims invented their ridiculous dress code for women.
And this little introduction brings us right back to the core of the subject: witches. Obviously at some point women had to start rebelling against the male tyranny. Some of them would bravely disobey the society's rules and live freely, like they used to in the past. The more they did it the more men panicked. So in their ivory towers they invented a cool new outdoor activity: burning witches at the stake.
But wait a second, hold the phone. What's a witch? Basically, the way I see it, a witch is a woman who decides to live outside of society's norms and regulations, which are unfair and enslaving to her, and takes on the life she was meant to live from the very beginning of mankind: out of her own will she discards the unnecessary clothing and dumb superstitions takes hold of her sexuality again and turns her body, mind and soul into a temple of freedom, pleasure and love, just like in the old days. This witch is an empowered female, fully aware of her sexual power and inner strength. Like I said, the woman turn into a witch, her body becomes the altar of carnal pleasures once again. The very essence of Earth flows in her veins. A beautiful, lustful and free woman is what I see. A witch is what the double-digit IQ Christians see.
So men are scared shitless now, they have to eradicate the problem ASAP, lest their stranglehold on society be loosened. And amazingly, they are quite good at it. The number of women killed because of unfounded accusations of witchcraft is horrifying. But as always, it only takes one spark to ignite the fire. And that fire was started by the historical witches. Since those days women have been struggling to regain their rightful position in society, but even now, in the 21st century, they are still discriminated against, punished for nothing and not treated equally by the still ruling men. It's just disgusting.
Let's sum it all up. First, women were divine creatures, leaders of mankind and altars of sexuality. Then, they were enslaved by religion and have been fighting to be reinstalled in their proper position for like five thousand years. It seems like so little when I type it. But I'm actually ashamed of how men transformed their goddesses into tamed slaves. Shame. Big shame.
The way I see it, the modern world needs more witches. Our society needs more shameless women to recreate the old order of things. We as a species need the women to be braver and stronger than ever before, to finally slit Christianity's wrists and bring back the natural. Because there is absolutely nothing natural about Christianity, there never was. Christianity is anti-woman. Is that loving everyone equally? I don't think so. I say that now in the digital age we need more of the witches. We need them to use the media to expose us to the naked truth, literally. Every man knows that he comes down to basic instinct when the witch is naked in front of him. Do it more, and do it with pride, that is what needs to be done.
My woman is my shrine, my altar of sacrifice to the flesh. To Earth. That is how all man ought to think.
nice blog .. my family came from what i guess is known as one of the secular religions .. i guess starting from Constantine choosing Christianity as the unifying religion .. Old traditions embraced women .. I still try to enjoy the traditions