I am so sick of the internet. Well, not really of the whole internet, just of the community sites. Like myspace and the like. It feels like such a stupid thing to do, maintaining an internet identity. Myspace never proved to be useful for me. I only use it because bands post bulletins there and thank's to that I'm up to date on new releases, tours, etc. That's the only useful thing about myspace. Never met anyone interesting on that thing. It's like an add-on to other sites. Like SG. You got me on your friends list here, might as well add me on myspace. But that's about it.
I don't get how so many people literally live their lives on myspace, facebook, or some other community portal. Yes I know that the idea that on the internet you can be whoever you want to be seems appealing, but it get boring after a week. Alternative digital synthetic lives. What's the point.
I am also sick of cell phones. Those things are like a leash. Where ever you are, they can reach you, even if you don't want them to. And if you happen to turn your cell off, after a day there's like 20 messages on your voicemail "why the fuck did you turn your cell off?". I really wish I could just throw my computer in the trash, smash my cell phones with a hammer and not give a damn about maintaining a digital life. But I can't. Because I need the cell phone to work and I need the computer to surf the net.
That's why I never bothered with connecting my 360 to the internet. I hate playing video games with other people, especially in co-op mode. I FUCKING HATE CO-OP MODE. Just another thing I need, I'm playing some nice game alone when a damn message pops up from some idiot who wants to do horde mode in gears of war 2 which, by the way, I dont even own. Fuck you dude, single player only.
Yeah, I had a bad day, had to bitch about something.
I don't get how so many people literally live their lives on myspace, facebook, or some other community portal. Yes I know that the idea that on the internet you can be whoever you want to be seems appealing, but it get boring after a week. Alternative digital synthetic lives. What's the point.
I am also sick of cell phones. Those things are like a leash. Where ever you are, they can reach you, even if you don't want them to. And if you happen to turn your cell off, after a day there's like 20 messages on your voicemail "why the fuck did you turn your cell off?". I really wish I could just throw my computer in the trash, smash my cell phones with a hammer and not give a damn about maintaining a digital life. But I can't. Because I need the cell phone to work and I need the computer to surf the net.
That's why I never bothered with connecting my 360 to the internet. I hate playing video games with other people, especially in co-op mode. I FUCKING HATE CO-OP MODE. Just another thing I need, I'm playing some nice game alone when a damn message pops up from some idiot who wants to do horde mode in gears of war 2 which, by the way, I dont even own. Fuck you dude, single player only.
Yeah, I had a bad day, had to bitch about something.
Yeah it's real, I only wish those shoes had found their mark though.
Thanks for the comment on my new set!