This was supposed to be a good week. I was on vacation, it was my birthday, new Friday the 13th movie, Valentine's Day, you get the idea. So was it as wonderful as it was supposed to be? HELL NO. All was fine until Monday morning.
I woke up Monday morning freezing my ass off. I go out to the dining room to look at the thermostat, it reads 62 degrees. I usually keep it at 68, I'm one of the really annoying thermostat nazis that gets pissed if you change the temp. Anyways, I turn it off then back on, nothing. So Mike goes and throws the breaker, nothing. He messing around with the heater downstairs for a few, nothing. The stupid thing is officially dead. Dammit! The repair man finally gets her on Wednesday afternoon to fix it (two hours late mind you).
Well if Monday was bad then Tuesday was even worse. I had noticed about two days prior the cat looked like she was getting fat. Tuesday morning I wake up and she looked like she had swallowed a freaking baseball. Not good. So I have to sit and worry my ass off until the vet opens at 7:30 am. I call and make her an appointment so at 10 we haul ass over to the Animal Hospital. Turns out she had developed this really scary disease called Pyometra. If you don't know this is when an unfixed female develops an infection and their uterus fills up with infection. If left untreated it can rupture and cause kidney failure causing your cute little furball to go to the great litterbox in the sky. So they had to do emergency surgery on her and remove all of her inner reproductive organs. She is doing great now but she scared the shit out of us and is being a complete asshole about taking her antibiotics. Oh the joys of fur children!
Fast forward to Friday. I come home from working feeling like total crap. I was blaming it on girl problems but no such luck considering this is the week from hell. I start to get really sick and I mean REALLY sick. Like clutching the trashcan while sitting on the toilet sick (I know TMI). Usually I would have just toughed it out but I started getting a really odd rash on my arms. Not good. I call work and ask them if it would be excused if I missed. They told me no even after I told them about my freaky looking arms. So I get Mike and head over to the ER. Note this is only the 3rd time in my entire life that I have ever been in the ER so you know I was really feeling it. Turns out I had a nasty little virus that more than likely I picked up at work (thanks Wal-Mart!). End result of the trip is a shot that makes crack seem mild, four other shots, blood work, a prescription and a really nasty bruise on my arm and probably one on my backside to match.
I must have been a horrible person in a past life because karma seems to take every given oppertunity to bitchslap me. *SIGH* If anyone would like to donate some good karma please leave it here!
PS. Here's a lovely pic of my arm...

I woke up Monday morning freezing my ass off. I go out to the dining room to look at the thermostat, it reads 62 degrees. I usually keep it at 68, I'm one of the really annoying thermostat nazis that gets pissed if you change the temp. Anyways, I turn it off then back on, nothing. So Mike goes and throws the breaker, nothing. He messing around with the heater downstairs for a few, nothing. The stupid thing is officially dead. Dammit! The repair man finally gets her on Wednesday afternoon to fix it (two hours late mind you).
Well if Monday was bad then Tuesday was even worse. I had noticed about two days prior the cat looked like she was getting fat. Tuesday morning I wake up and she looked like she had swallowed a freaking baseball. Not good. So I have to sit and worry my ass off until the vet opens at 7:30 am. I call and make her an appointment so at 10 we haul ass over to the Animal Hospital. Turns out she had developed this really scary disease called Pyometra. If you don't know this is when an unfixed female develops an infection and their uterus fills up with infection. If left untreated it can rupture and cause kidney failure causing your cute little furball to go to the great litterbox in the sky. So they had to do emergency surgery on her and remove all of her inner reproductive organs. She is doing great now but she scared the shit out of us and is being a complete asshole about taking her antibiotics. Oh the joys of fur children!
Fast forward to Friday. I come home from working feeling like total crap. I was blaming it on girl problems but no such luck considering this is the week from hell. I start to get really sick and I mean REALLY sick. Like clutching the trashcan while sitting on the toilet sick (I know TMI). Usually I would have just toughed it out but I started getting a really odd rash on my arms. Not good. I call work and ask them if it would be excused if I missed. They told me no even after I told them about my freaky looking arms. So I get Mike and head over to the ER. Note this is only the 3rd time in my entire life that I have ever been in the ER so you know I was really feeling it. Turns out I had a nasty little virus that more than likely I picked up at work (thanks Wal-Mart!). End result of the trip is a shot that makes crack seem mild, four other shots, blood work, a prescription and a really nasty bruise on my arm and probably one on my backside to match.
I must have been a horrible person in a past life because karma seems to take every given oppertunity to bitchslap me. *SIGH* If anyone would like to donate some good karma please leave it here!
PS. Here's a lovely pic of my arm...

Im really glad your kitty is going to be ok, that would be really scary for me to.
Wow that really sucks, I hope you are getting better.