Update time...
Not much worth noting really. Work on my thesis continues to crawl forward. The football team I coach for is into the playoffs. I love coaching, it just seems to take up so much time.
I'm in a good place at work right now. Come in when I want, for however long I want, and work on whatever I want. This can't last. The managers ask me when I'll start working nightcrew every few shifts. Nothing screws over the rest of your life as much as working nightcrew does.
Not much worth noting really. Work on my thesis continues to crawl forward. The football team I coach for is into the playoffs. I love coaching, it just seems to take up so much time.
I'm in a good place at work right now. Come in when I want, for however long I want, and work on whatever I want. This can't last. The managers ask me when I'll start working nightcrew every few shifts. Nothing screws over the rest of your life as much as working nightcrew does.
thank you
That's correct. So what if my one drink was a bottle? They should have specified.