Money, money, money
As it does twice yearly my bank account took a sudden upward jump today. It must be student loan time again. The delicious irony is that the money allows me to dodge work for a few months and enjoy life now... but six month after I'm done school I'll be up to my ass in debt and working like mad to try and pay it off.
I'll only be up to my ass (instead of ears) because I somehow managed to pay my way through my first degree on my own. Still racking up 22K in debt in 2 years still sucks ass. Oh well them's the breaks. Still for the next few weeks It's good living
As it does twice yearly my bank account took a sudden upward jump today. It must be student loan time again. The delicious irony is that the money allows me to dodge work for a few months and enjoy life now... but six month after I'm done school I'll be up to my ass in debt and working like mad to try and pay it off.
I'll only be up to my ass (instead of ears) because I somehow managed to pay my way through my first degree on my own. Still racking up 22K in debt in 2 years still sucks ass. Oh well them's the breaks. Still for the next few weeks It's good living
I'll be $30,000 in debt after I graduate, and then it's onto grad school. My poor credit report...