Wondering how I can get a suicide girl with a ribbon under my tree for Christmas :-)
I bet that is a more common wish for SG crew than the old " Two front teeth" from the All I want for Christmas song !
ski and snowboard show in chicago... geared up for the new season..... although it is ashame I was not in Columbus, OH at the Suicide Girls party at Mozaik.... maybe next party :-)
I gotta find the events calender to find the SG parties . Be like a kid in a candy store at those .
I found it out by a regional group for the midwest. If you have a region you are part of, you can get updates that way by joining that group. They are not all publicized, but sometimes the girls themselves will post about them.
Chilling out listening to Everclear "White men in the black suits".... sounds a lot like my life..... but it is a great song. Why am I afraid that a relationship with a beautiful stripper will leave me heartbroken? I need to have a more positive attitude.... she is really great. I guess only time will telll. 

Ah the glories of Anatomy and Physiology class..... I have decided it is much better to study the anatomy of Suicide Girls than the cadaver lab at college. The parts are all the same... but in a much prettier package. I like Dice's Cephalus, Milkys Appendiculars, and Oggies gluteus...... never thought bio study could be so much fun!!
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absolutely not, in the video, it's AnnaLee speaking french !
French?? I would not have guessed that... must be because you are in Scotland... usually I am pretty good at identifying languages.... cool video anyway.... so open.... it is so pretty there. Seems like you had a good time too. La filme est tres bien. Merci!
Still pretty clueless what to do here. I have seen chat....that is kind of fun... but I got blocked for making a joke about ohio from a person.... strange..... looking to meet some people but really not sure how to go about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. What do you think?
Thanks Von.... I am discovering that. So far I think I am in 4. Already have met at least one new person. Thanks for the suggestion!
thanks for the comment. and take advice from von!! she knows whats up!!
On the 8th day God created the Suicide Girls and he looked down and said "This is Good... this is REALLY good!" To me beauty and uniqueness go hand in hand. The Suicide Girls are beautiful taken up 3 notches... because they are not cookie cutter barbies in prom dresses..... They rock the leather, the punk style, the lingerie, and REALLY know how to work...
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