okies, firstly the reason i am but a pair of eyes, is down to the coma of my computer a few weeks ago, whereby everything was wiped off the system. although i've now got the internet back, photoshop is as of yet not programmed in. and what with the weeny teeny proportions of images needed, i haven't been able to add any to this site yet. unless someone else sends me some, you may have to wait. but it's only my nose and chin and stuff, it's not that exciting
today was a shite day, but i'm not going to waste time going over it. needless to say there was an odd ten minutes when i thought i was going to cry, but it's because i got shouted at twice, both for things i had nothing to do with, and i REALLY don't like getting things wrong or being seen in bad lights.
ah well.
tomorrow i'm offski to London to see one of my closest friends (well, we were a while ago) I'm excited to see him again, and have a good catch up, but we were close during a really strange few months where i was all over the place and could barely manage to look myself in the eye, so i'm not sure how we'll be now i'm a weeny bit more grounded
he's rich too, and i am most certainly not. that doesn't bother me, i just want to be able to have a nice day out and not think about 7 cocktails and train fares home...
i also heard from my ex today, which was a bit strange, we haven't spoken in about six months and he seems to have got in contact to boast about his life and not enquire about mine. good for him! lol. we're both going to be at the same party soon so that'll be interesting. the girl he cheated on me with will be there too, as she also became his girlfriend. but he doesn't know i know. OH the drama
not much else going on, things are going ok at the minute. i'm through to the final stages of a graduate programme for retail management, and that interview, assessment day will be at the end of May. i'm not sure if i want the job, as it isn't really where i want my career to be heading, but it is a cool opportunity and 20K a year plus discounts. and more that anything, a chance for things to change. which seems to be the best thing for me to do

today was a shite day, but i'm not going to waste time going over it. needless to say there was an odd ten minutes when i thought i was going to cry, but it's because i got shouted at twice, both for things i had nothing to do with, and i REALLY don't like getting things wrong or being seen in bad lights.

tomorrow i'm offski to London to see one of my closest friends (well, we were a while ago) I'm excited to see him again, and have a good catch up, but we were close during a really strange few months where i was all over the place and could barely manage to look myself in the eye, so i'm not sure how we'll be now i'm a weeny bit more grounded

i also heard from my ex today, which was a bit strange, we haven't spoken in about six months and he seems to have got in contact to boast about his life and not enquire about mine. good for him! lol. we're both going to be at the same party soon so that'll be interesting. the girl he cheated on me with will be there too, as she also became his girlfriend. but he doesn't know i know. OH the drama

not much else going on, things are going ok at the minute. i'm through to the final stages of a graduate programme for retail management, and that interview, assessment day will be at the end of May. i'm not sure if i want the job, as it isn't really where i want my career to be heading, but it is a cool opportunity and 20K a year plus discounts. and more that anything, a chance for things to change. which seems to be the best thing for me to do

Glad trip is sorted, lots to see....itineraries to write...lists....glorious lists!!