i've been a member for a wee while but not gotten around to blogging yet, mainly because i'm a) looking for a job (which takes up a surprising amount of time) and b) spend remaining time on myspace. shame on me.
so....i'm currently living back at home with my parents, having graduated from leeds uni last summer and then spending three months bumming around australia by myself. the trip was awesome, if a little scary, and was exactly what i needed to do- for myself and all that rubbish- but came at completely the wrong time in my life (damn pre booked tickets) so the trip was quite tainted with a bleeding heart
anyways, my parents are now looking at moving, so i'll be getting my own place soon no doubt. it'll probably be near to where i am now unless a job drives me further away, though i'm not entirely certain why i'm bothering to stay. part of me wants to explore pastures new, part of me wants to have a home and a social life, which is pretty much what maidstone provides. a lot of me thinks i'm staying for the wrong person..ahem...reason but only time will tell i guess. you know when you're just doomed to fuck up but you know you've got to see how it ends? hmmm.
i'm really keen to get into events/ art adminstration, working for museums and galleries and the like but its difficult at the minute because i'm lacking in experience. hopefully if i can get some office work in 6 months or so i'll be able to blag my way in
i've got a fair amount of theatre experience so i'm hoping to get some experience this summer with festivals and things, we'll see.
in my spare time? i go to the gym, read endlessly, write poetry, drink a lot of caffeine, doodle manga people, make crafty bits (most recently a wizard hand puppet bizarrely) , listen to music (damien rice tickets whoop whoop), got to festivals (isle of wight tickets whoop whoop) and generally try to be a good person. i have so many hang ups about my body it's not funny so this year i'll try and get down to my ideal weight and maybe even try as a suicide model- who knows?
or take up street dancing, which i would love to do if i wasn't so stupidly shy
be great to meet some new people, please feel free to message.
ta ra!
i've been a member for a wee while but not gotten around to blogging yet, mainly because i'm a) looking for a job (which takes up a surprising amount of time) and b) spend remaining time on myspace. shame on me.
so....i'm currently living back at home with my parents, having graduated from leeds uni last summer and then spending three months bumming around australia by myself. the trip was awesome, if a little scary, and was exactly what i needed to do- for myself and all that rubbish- but came at completely the wrong time in my life (damn pre booked tickets) so the trip was quite tainted with a bleeding heart

anyways, my parents are now looking at moving, so i'll be getting my own place soon no doubt. it'll probably be near to where i am now unless a job drives me further away, though i'm not entirely certain why i'm bothering to stay. part of me wants to explore pastures new, part of me wants to have a home and a social life, which is pretty much what maidstone provides. a lot of me thinks i'm staying for the wrong person..ahem...reason but only time will tell i guess. you know when you're just doomed to fuck up but you know you've got to see how it ends? hmmm.
i'm really keen to get into events/ art adminstration, working for museums and galleries and the like but its difficult at the minute because i'm lacking in experience. hopefully if i can get some office work in 6 months or so i'll be able to blag my way in

in my spare time? i go to the gym, read endlessly, write poetry, drink a lot of caffeine, doodle manga people, make crafty bits (most recently a wizard hand puppet bizarrely) , listen to music (damien rice tickets whoop whoop), got to festivals (isle of wight tickets whoop whoop) and generally try to be a good person. i have so many hang ups about my body it's not funny so this year i'll try and get down to my ideal weight and maybe even try as a suicide model- who knows?

be great to meet some new people, please feel free to message.
ta ra!
if you'd like to post them so they show up directly in the page, rather than as a link you can do so quite easily.
there are 2 ways for you to do it from photobucket.
1. once the images are in photobucket you'll see "URL Link, HTML Tag" and "IMG Code" listed beneath each one. simply click once in the IMG Code field and the word "COPIED" should pop up. you can now paste that text into your comment. it'll look something like this:
it's this bit at the start: [IMG]
and this bit at the end: [IMG] which enable it to show as an image within the posting.
2. this method achieves exactly the same results, but you're adding the "[IMG]" bits manually.
beneath your "add a comment" window you'll see a list of inserts and smilies. you'll need to have the address of where your image is hosted copied and ready to paste, e.g. :
all you need to do then is simply click on "image" in the "inserts" list, paste your address into the pop-up, and it'll add the all important [IMG] bits onto the ends.
one thing you do need to be aware of though is resizing your images before you put them onto photobucket to fit the page, otherwise they'll be too big and you'll only see the left hand edge! i usually stick to an image width of 440 pixels for my blog, and 410 pixels width for a group posting.
i hope i've explained this ok, but feel free to ask if i've lost you. the "HELP" button at the top will take you too much better explanations i'm sure!!
it's pretty much the same procedure as method number 2 for showing YouTube videos too.
doomed to try
and never quail
nor wonder why