my profile was reactivated last week by an anonymous member. thank you! you're either being randomly kind, or are interested in what i've been up to in the past year...
i moved towns for a new job, and i'm now based in canterbury. the job is going ish well, although i'm currently in the middle of a restructure which could make or break whether i...
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i moved towns for a new job, and i'm now based in canterbury. the job is going ish well, although i'm currently in the middle of a restructure which could make or break whether i...
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um...thankyou for reactivating me

moved out of home, have no mobile phone, internet or landline.
going to enjoy being a wee bit uncontactable for a while, though some people i'm really going to miss not being able to see in my life so much anymore. here's to you xx
going to enjoy being a wee bit uncontactable for a while, though some people i'm really going to miss not being able to see in my life so much anymore. here's to you xx
Today must be the most bloggable day of the year. and I, with my crisp list of good intentions, am certainly no different
But before I get into all that, and in the spirit of New Year honesty, I will get something off my chest. I find blogs and community sites like this a little hard to get to grips with. I have a huge...
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But before I get into all that, and in the spirit of New Year honesty, I will get something off my chest. I find blogs and community sites like this a little hard to get to grips with. I have a huge...
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25th December 2002
Another lonely Xmas over. I ate, I chucked. Then I wanted to punish myself but I couldn't. I wouldn't let myself. So I just got angry. So. Here I am. And this means nothing now and it won't represent anything later. They all just say its the teenage years. But it's not, it's more. It's darker and scarier. It's horrible. What if...
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Another lonely Xmas over. I ate, I chucked. Then I wanted to punish myself but I couldn't. I wouldn't let myself. So I just got angry. So. Here I am. And this means nothing now and it won't represent anything later. They all just say its the teenage years. But it's not, it's more. It's darker and scarier. It's horrible. What if...
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2 essays away from freedom...
come on!
come on!

got to be done bye now. Enjoy the freedom.
fucking tired of my own voice already.
in honesty,
you're moving on, and i am not.
sex means squat.
work is really hard at the minute.
i work in a small office of 5 ladies (including me) and only 2 of us work full time. luckily i get on really well with my manager, but she's got a 10 month old daughter and is trying to do a PHD in her spare time as well, so is often strung out and swings between doing...
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i work in a small office of 5 ladies (including me) and only 2 of us work full time. luckily i get on really well with my manager, but she's got a 10 month old daughter and is trying to do a PHD in her spare time as well, so is often strung out and swings between doing...
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dragons stopped fighting,
and fair maidens cried.
wars left untidied;
the prince said goodbye.
and fair maidens cried.
wars left untidied;
the prince said goodbye.
but hey... welcome back