"Bad artists always admire each others work",
I read from critical Wilde today.
Which threw my objective into a quandary,
If Success is having nothing to say.
I've decided that success and failure are one in the same, it's just perspective.

I agree with Wilde, art begins as an expression of the lonely ego (those who don't fit are always the greatest narcicists by default!) and until praise ceases to be a principle reason for the creation of art it cannot be honest. That said I still need praise, does that make me a hack? Perhaps. I have come to terms with being a hack, it seems the logical first step to becoming something else.

I love that you called me "cheeky"! biggrin
Hey, love the ditty. And you said you didn't write concisely. Hard to argue with the likes of Wilde. I don't think that poetry written for the public is necessarily dishonest. I like to say that poetry never lies and rarely tells the whole truth. Thanks for the kind compliments bye the way. I had a sweet kind of a muse for a while. I'll post another one from that time in today's blog.

I've lost a bit of anonymity with this blog today, as The Cause is now able to read The Effect and I therefore no longer have a freedom page to scribble down all things heart/ mind related.

Well, perhaps this is a little unfair (harrow! sorry) not THE cause as such, but someone who has some indirect influence towards my emotional modifications and therefore...
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Heeeey I'm famous!! smile
haha, well so am I!! Of course it was probably foolish to unmask myself so people know who to throw fruit at now!! rubbish!! Anyways....enough internet foolery, I must eat before glass.

By the by - How good is that album?? AND...put more pics up!! I want to perv!!hehe!!x
afternoon ....

i've been spending a lot of time sorting stuff out at home and with myself lately so it was really nice last night to get down the pub for a couple with my favourite man (the semi-ex) and two of his friends. it's only now that i realise how much i took for granted the immediate accessibility of friends at university, and how...
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This is an interesting blog. I can't believe that at 21 you feel world weary and ready to settle down. From the other side of the hill my recommendation (if you check my profile you'll see what a long distance yalp that is) I recommend moving. I say this for one reason - your friends and family will always be your friends and family. Once you setlle and stop travelling you lose precious opportunities to met diverse friends. Unless you live in a port town, LOL. I say expose yourself to the world. You can settle down any time but in my experence and from what I've seen in other people, once you settle down it's hard to get moving again. Responsibilities and obligations set in. Explore while you're young and do as much as you can so that a) you'll carry that sense of fullness with you into your settled life and b) once you're settled you'll never look back and say jeez, I wish when I was younger I had . . . smile
kiss kiss

i've been a member for a wee while but not gotten around to blogging yet, mainly because i'm a) looking for a job (which takes up a surprising amount of time) and b) spend remaining time on myspace. shame on me.

so....i'm currently living back at home with my parents, having graduated from leeds uni last summer and then spending three months bumming around...
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your pics of the wizard are great!!

if you'd like to post them so they show up directly in the page, rather than as a link you can do so quite easily.

there are 2 ways for you to do it from photobucket.
1. once the images are in photobucket you'll see "URL Link, HTML Tag" and "IMG Code" listed beneath each one. simply click once in the IMG Code field and the word "COPIED" should pop up. you can now paste that text into your comment. it'll look something like this:


it's this bit at the start: [IMG]
and this bit at the end: [IMG] which enable it to show as an image within the posting.

2. this method achieves exactly the same results, but you're adding the "[IMG]" bits manually.

beneath your "add a comment" window you'll see a list of inserts and smilies. you'll need to have the address of where your image is hosted copied and ready to paste, e.g. :


all you need to do then is simply click on "image" in the "inserts" list, paste your address into the pop-up, and it'll add the all important [IMG] bits onto the ends.

one thing you do need to be aware of though is resizing your images before you put them onto photobucket to fit the page, otherwise they'll be too big and you'll only see the left hand edge! i usually stick to an image width of 440 pixels for my blog, and 410 pixels width for a group posting.

i hope i've explained this ok, but feel free to ask if i've lost you. the "HELP" button at the top will take you too much better explanations i'm sure!!

it's pretty much the same procedure as method number 2 for showing YouTube videos too.
destined to fail
doomed to try
and never quail
nor wonder why