Last night was poker night with the deer camp boys (mostly old retirees) and of course true to my curse of bad luck I came up short for the night. But I had a winning streak for a short time. Won two large hands in a row, then it was my turn to deal. I chose 5-Card Draw, one-eyed jacks wild. Wouldn't you know it, I dealt myself a pat hand of a full house aces over twos with a one-eyed jack wild. So I was pretty sure I had a good chance winning the hand, but I'm ever paranoid, and was thinking that with only two wilds in the deck I'd be suspected of cheating since I called it, so I killed the hand (threw away the wild and drew one). I was right, the full house would have won the hand. So was I too paranoid, should I have played it out? It's not like the group is cutthroat, we are pretty friendly. After that my luck again went south. : /
Talking it over with some of my other poker buddies, yeah that was a stupid thing for me to do. I worry way too much!!!