Autumn has been in full swing here, the Shagbark Hickory is now golden yellow, the Sumac blazing red, and the various Maples golden yellow, orange, and the reds are just starting to come. The best time of the year.
Those that have children can relate to this. My youngest boy has finally graduated to showering without assistance. Another victory to win back some time...
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Those that have children can relate to this. My youngest boy has finally graduated to showering without assistance. Another victory to win back some time...
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Hells yeah! Arrived in Chicago tonight for a Four Day weekend for Riot Fest Chicago. This should be awesome. RiotFest. This is the first time staying in DownTown Chicago without kids. Watch out!
Driving out here I saw a man with a personalized license plate - "ABBADAD". LOL.
Seriously. To me it says, "I'm gay and proud! And oh by the way, I have...
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Driving out here I saw a man with a personalized license plate - "ABBADAD". LOL.
Seriously. To me it says, "I'm gay and proud! And oh by the way, I have...
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Take pictures, and have fun! Drink for me will ya? lmao
If you could live your life as a commercial what would it be?
For me currently it would be the Ketel One Vodka line of commercials. Wearing my suits all the time like the 40's, out partying with friends and beautiful women, at real drinking bars at a clam/lobster bake out on the beach. Very Nice! Although I'd prefer Whiskey and Stout to vodka.
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For me currently it would be the Ketel One Vodka line of commercials. Wearing my suits all the time like the 40's, out partying with friends and beautiful women, at real drinking bars at a clam/lobster bake out on the beach. Very Nice! Although I'd prefer Whiskey and Stout to vodka.
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I'm far too nice for all that.
I can agree, I have had some of the best times, and some of the most humbling times on Wild Turkey and Jameson.....

And thanx for the congrats man!

And thanx for the congrats man!
Haven't updated in a while, this blog will primarily be a photo overload of "recent" things.
Our male doggie after we shaved him a few weeks ago, note the long hair on his paws and beard to get a feel for how long his hair should be. When he stands up he can put his paws on my wife's shoulders and look her in the...
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Our male doggie after we shaved him a few weeks ago, note the long hair on his paws and beard to get a feel for how long his hair should be. When he stands up he can put his paws on my wife's shoulders and look her in the...
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I love love love all of these pictures. You take great photographs!!!!!!! Your sons are just to cute for words. There definitely gonna be heart breakers when they get older.
Your dog....... gorgeous. <3 I love big dogs. I want your lawn gnome. I used to walk around and steal those and if it ever comes up missing just know i have it. lol. And if you had a sweet computer like mine that has like 8 ports in it, wouldn't have to worry about that. lol. Sorry I missed you at the Pit. Would of been really sweet to meet you in person. Next time for sure! Glad you and your boys had a good time though. 

Also, the expander....there was a key that we had to put in it twice a day and turn...with each turn it would push on my teeth to separate the bone. The day it broke....we did it. I remember the snap...sounded like i had been hit in the head with two giant pans and it rang and rang in my head. And hurt like a mutherfucker. I cried and was so horrible. And all they told me was "take some Motrin" I had to go to my actual doctor and get altram. He thought they were crazy to do that without actual pain killers. lol
For the last few years, haven't been able to get up in the morning, and been tired all the time? Thought it was stress and/or depression. But now taking a new approach. Wed night I going to do a sleep study to see if I'm just not getting proper rest. The wife says I don't snore, but I'm very interested to see what they find....
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hope you get it figured out.
The more I think about my sleep, or the constant craving for more, I've decided it's stress related. I hope to get back to my normal range within the next few months.
The more I think about my sleep, or the constant craving for more, I've decided it's stress related. I hope to get back to my normal range within the next few months.
yes i think my set rejected of a technical reasons 

Well, the guys camping trip was awesome. Two days of canoeing, three nights of drunken shenanigans and spirited conversations with a great group of friends. Then I got to sneak off and catch one of my favorite bands, The Creepshow play the last show of their American tour for this album (I also got to see their first in Lansing this past fall).
Tomorrow I...
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Tomorrow I...
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Oh that is where your going. Ok. Gosh that is super far north. That drive must of sucked. 

I know you wouldn't be rude to anyone there. Its sad that ppl can't mind their manners though. And I believe to teach those life lessons, everyone once old enough to understand should have to watch that movie. lmao!
Have you ever discovered a rumor circulating about yourself at work? I recently have, it wasn't bad, it was rather random, and entertaining. I'll get to that.
First, wanted to give an update on the recent SGdetroit member gathering for the Detroit Derby Girls I attempted to pull together on the 4th. Didn't get the member turn out that I was hoping, but with the...
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First, wanted to give an update on the recent SGdetroit member gathering for the Detroit Derby Girls I attempted to pull together on the 4th. Didn't get the member turn out that I was hoping, but with the...
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People not following through with their words . If you check out my etsy I have all new designs
HAHAHHAA!!! the looney tunes clip you sent me with the "Grilled Cheese" was hilarious!! looooved it! It definetely made my night... thanks for the laugh 

Well, set up a SGdetroit Member gathering for tomorrow. A trip to the Detroit Derby Girls match (double match), then to the after-party, and then to at least one other bar afterwards. We haven't had much success with participation at SGdetroit events this year. The Dirty Show had a fairly large turn out, but unfortunately members could not make it on the same days. So...
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aye, my childhood battling juniper bushes and bagworms may have contributed - - in large part - - to my general aversion to "yard work." I don't mind pushing the mower around, and that's why I begged her not to remove any grass for her "projects" but . . . somehow I'm still getting pressed into service.
That is so cool that you are setting up SG gatherings in your area. I am from West Virginia and here on SG there isn't many of us West Virginian's on here. I do not know why. *shrugs*
We are a state with some pretty attractive people contrary to how the media portrays us! 

Thanks man. Actually, I'm pretty sure that we've got a good # of years before our minds are considered inappropriate for our age (don't quote me on this though).
Is what something I do often?
Saturday night we went out to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner and I had a amazing meal. It was a Short's Brewery appreciation weekend so on every tap they had a different of Short's Brewery beer (Bellaire, MI), an extra bonus. I had sea scallops served on a bed of risotto topped with spinach, wild mushrooms, oysters, and Parmesean cheese. It was delicious,...
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The meal sounds fantastic!
Most stores have a policy of checking 20$ or over. Hell even where I work (a restaurant) its that way.
My hubby has a work wife too. I thought it was just him. This must be a guy thing. lol
And no. They send you a generalized message that gets to sent ot everyone whos set gets submitted. No real reason. So it often leaves you wondering...."did i fuck up when I uploaded? Do I have to many pictures? What did I do wrong?" First tiem i submitted my pink romance set it was denied...after some digging on my end..i found it was because someone else had submitted a set with the same theme a few days prior. The very next day i re submitted and it was i will keep least a few more times...and hopefully they accept it. I can't see anything wrong with it aside from it wasn't a staff photographer or a photographer at all...but the pictures that I chose are still damn good.
Most stores have a policy of checking 20$ or over. Hell even where I work (a restaurant) its that way.
My hubby has a work wife too. I thought it was just him. This must be a guy thing. lol
And no. They send you a generalized message that gets to sent ot everyone whos set gets submitted. No real reason. So it often leaves you wondering...."did i fuck up when I uploaded? Do I have to many pictures? What did I do wrong?" First tiem i submitted my pink romance set it was denied...after some digging on my end..i found it was because someone else had submitted a set with the same theme a few days prior. The very next day i re submitted and it was i will keep least a few more times...and hopefully they accept it. I can't see anything wrong with it aside from it wasn't a staff photographer or a photographer at all...but the pictures that I chose are still damn good.
Thank you.
WTF? I commented on this blog this morning. I know I did, I saw it go up.
It was very clever, and poignant - - something about the inevitability of someone taller always being in front, and cars willingness/tendency to break down just after the warranty is run, or a significant milestone is reached. Apparently it was lost, and now I'll never recreate that brilliance. Shit.
In any event, aye, it's a rough revelation for me that someday I may want a smaller breed. I'm thinking I'll work my way down over time. Maybe one of the Belgian Shepherd breeds next, then a bull terrier, and finally a little drop-kick dog for when I'm in the nursing home.
It was very clever, and poignant - - something about the inevitability of someone taller always being in front, and cars willingness/tendency to break down just after the warranty is run, or a significant milestone is reached. Apparently it was lost, and now I'll never recreate that brilliance. Shit.
In any event, aye, it's a rough revelation for me that someday I may want a smaller breed. I'm thinking I'll work my way down over time. Maybe one of the Belgian Shepherd breeds next, then a bull terrier, and finally a little drop-kick dog for when I'm in the nursing home.
I like the way you think man.
Oh, & yeah, I saw - - too late - - that the prior comment was there. Let's just pretend it was clever & poignant.
Oh, & yeah, I saw - - too late - - that the prior comment was there. Let's just pretend it was clever & poignant.
sorry to hear about the promotion, but at least it went to someone worthy & a friend eh?
As to the truck [& the show] it seems that's the way the universe is designed. There is always someone taller in front of me, and vehicles seem to know "milestones," i.e., as soon as they're out of warranty, hit 100K, etc., they'll break down or otherwise cause a headache.
As to the truck [& the show] it seems that's the way the universe is designed. There is always someone taller in front of me, and vehicles seem to know "milestones," i.e., as soon as they're out of warranty, hit 100K, etc., they'll break down or otherwise cause a headache.

As to yours - - I didn't notice anything. Of course, Spouse is from Wisconsin so I'm sort of enured to the upper Mid-West thing.
Each package will target the company I work for's target audience basically of bankruptcy attorneys, credit repair companies, and mortgage brokers. Basically we design their multi-media mediums for them, plug in their information then maintain it after initial design.
I can design any images I want to within each theme as long as they stay within the (boring) conservative business appropriate feel. I am trying some new designs that push the conservative a bit and seeing how they will go over with the owner.... we'll see!