boy, last time i posted i was very...well i was drunk for a good two days. im ok. happy now. smile
i shall call this entry the rant.

what the hell is wrong with those fuck-tards that post comments on message boards or whatever and do nothing but bad-mouth everything? seriously, what the hell drives these people? do they have to ruin everything for everyone for the hell of it or is there a genetic disposition to being a dick-head? i cant fuckin stand these people...
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Hope tomorrow brings you smiles. ooo aaa

[Edited on Mar 22, 2005 8:30PM]
my pal cinders set was rejected. im very pissed about that. how can one as sexy as she get rejected when others whom i wont mention cause im nice and all are accepted? anyway, im sorry cin. ARRR!!!
awww... smile
If cinders ne set doesnt get accepted, there will be hell to pay!!!!!!! or i'll just play Command and Conquer for a few hours
im starting to think that the world has no room for nice guys anymore
AH! i have a theory that when a woman does things in a way to make them seem in a relationship when they arent that they are testing you. see the reaction. and that is one of the reasons i say ARRR!!!
you may be on to something with that theory ...keep me posted i am as curious as you are to figure my weird ass sex out as well smile
I don't like to speak for all women, because quite often, I try as hard as i can to dissociate from all women, but I think when a women acts like she is in a relationship when she isn't, it is most often her only defense. Some crazy stalker guy could come up to her and try to hook up, and if she says she has a boyfriend its like she has her own personal guardian angel or some shit. Of course, if she says it to you, (you NOT being a crazy stalker and all) it could mean a few things:

A: She might be interested, but she's not sure, so she's playing it safe to keep guys from heckling her.
B: She's a nutjob, and hears voices in head
C: Shes not interested
D: Maybe your information about whether or not she had a boyfriend is flawed, or your perception that she is trying to make it seem as though she has one is inaccurate
E: She's testing you to see if you would persue a relationship with her even if she led you to believe that she was already in one, whereby, if you did persue her, she would say you were scum, because if you cant respect her imaginary relationship with John Doe, how can she expect you to respect YOUR relationhip with HER, and when you counteract by saying she is a manipulative lying whore, and shouldn't play mind games on people, you two would either fuck like rabbits for hours and live happily ever after, or become mortal enemies for the rest of your lives. or, if you didn't persue her.... maybe she'd figure you weren't attracted to her, her self esteem would take a permanent drop, and then she would curse you for not finding her irresistable, thereby ruining her life. Then maybe she would sue you for emotional damage.

those are the only reasons i can think of. I don't know why you bring this up, so hopefully i havent caused you serious irreperable damage. ha. If anyone else has another explanation.. feel free to comment.

[Edited on Feb 09, 2005 1:04AM]
theres a girl that i like. woo-hoo, lookit me heading toward another big humiliating rejection. yahoo
dude seriously....if you set yourself up for failur thats prob what youll get confused
its not a set-up, its statistical probability
im so weak! world of warcraft is back on my pc. so much for not playing again ARRR!!!