feeling quite hungover from the endless st. patricks day celebrations that i've gone to- today i will either sober up or die. right now i think i will die.
the wife and i celebrated our 6th anniversary last night- dinner, dancing, sexing, and boozing- not necessarily in that order- i had to have some drinks before i could loosen up to dance because i don't like dancing, but i'll do anything to make that sweet woman happy.
it's funny how we can't wait to get a night alone without our kids, but 10 minutes after we drop them off we start talking about them, and can't wait to see them again- we love the little stinkers that's for sure!
hope everyone is doing well!
the wife and i celebrated our 6th anniversary last night- dinner, dancing, sexing, and boozing- not necessarily in that order- i had to have some drinks before i could loosen up to dance because i don't like dancing, but i'll do anything to make that sweet woman happy.
it's funny how we can't wait to get a night alone without our kids, but 10 minutes after we drop them off we start talking about them, and can't wait to see them again- we love the little stinkers that's for sure!
hope everyone is doing well!

Sounds like you've had endless fun...
Even though my children are furry and four-legged I fully understand what you are talking about.
Last year I joined my other half while he was touring an opera production and for the first time ever left my kids alone for longer than two nights without their mom. I couldn't sleep that first two nights and all I talked about was the babies