what do you do when you've seen too much? where do you go to ease your mind? someplace quiet and solemn, what then? you can't stay there forever, it's like those who find comfort in liquor or drugs, you know- an escape from reality. well, my friends you may slip away from reality for a short period of time, but you can't escape it forever,...
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I just read your journal entry about the guy at the park pushing down your son. I just wanted to say that I would have done exactly the same thing. I hope your "Damn the man comment" had nothing to do with that and that the charges were all dropped.
well, damn the man!!!!

wow that guys hair is like


feeling quite hungover from the endless st. patricks day celebrations that i've gone to- today i will either sober up or die. right now i think i will die.
the wife and i celebrated our 6th anniversary last night- dinner, dancing, sexing, and boozing- not necessarily in that order- i had to have some drinks before i could loosen up to dance because i don't...
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the wife and i celebrated our 6th anniversary last night- dinner, dancing, sexing, and boozing- not necessarily in that order- i had to have some drinks before i could loosen up to dance because i don't...
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Happy aniversary!
Sounds like you've had endless fun...
Even though my children are furry and four-legged I fully understand what you are talking about.
Last year I joined my other half while he was touring an opera production and for the first time ever left my kids alone for longer than two nights without their mom. I couldn't sleep that first two nights and all I talked about was the babies
Sounds like you've had endless fun...
Even though my children are furry and four-legged I fully understand what you are talking about.
Last year I joined my other half while he was touring an opera production and for the first time ever left my kids alone for longer than two nights without their mom. I couldn't sleep that first two nights and all I talked about was the babies

st. patricks day then an anniversary the day after sounds like a wonderfuly partyful weekend

okay, so you know what i don't get- how a grown man can purposely push a little boy down and then not expect to get his ass kicked! yah, that's what happened a week ago at the park. my two boys were playing and my oldest accidentally ran into another kid, that kids dad just came up and knocked my boy down on the ground...
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If I don't pay my outstanding speeding fines I will also soon spend a night or to in jail
Better pay it up before I travel down to the coast at the end of March ...

Better pay it up before I travel down to the coast at the end of March ...
dude, my birthday was nice and so was st. patty's. ever had irish car bomb? anyway, i would have to say that you are the biggest BADASS i know as of now, plus that story makes me want to beat on assholes and save money on my car insurance. thanks you hooligan
i've been to some of the craziest parties at this fucking place! it was built by my cousins uncle jimmy, who is one of the most fucked up individuals you would ever care to meet! believe it or not, this place has attracted people from all over the world. jimmy would charge .50 to go through it from bottom to top and he kept a...
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i dont know this man
but i adore him

but i adore him

Road rage ... I am usually the first one waving my arm out of the window with my middle finger right there where everyone can see it! And I can yell and rant like a real down-town bitch ...
But as you say - it's because the mother fuckers on the road just cannot drive!
I saw an awful accident last week-end ... and I just drove on
I still get nightmares about it.
But as you say - it's because the mother fuckers on the road just cannot drive!
I saw an awful accident last week-end ... and I just drove on

There is no you
There is only me
There is no you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me
There is only me
There is no you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me
once there was a marine corp squad that fought in the southern pacific theatre during WWII. they had engaged in many battles against their japanese adversaries, from island to island, large or small, all in order to establish control of each island for whatever reason. be it to store a secret cache of ammunition, food, or other supplies. or maybe it was to clear land...
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I Dreamd in a Dream
Walt Whitman(18191892). Leaves of Grass. 1900.
I DREAMD in a dream, I saw a city invincible to the attacks of the whole of the rest of the earth;
I dreamd that was the new City of Friends;
Nothing was greater there than the quality of robust loveit led the rest;
It was seen every hour in the actions of...
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yeah I have heard of that movie.. now I only have one question... I have lived near the mystic river in Ct. is it set there... I have wanted to see it maybee I will rent it and find out tomarrow when I get paid... huggs talk to you soon... ty for shareing how u got your nic...

mmm boston is cool too... I love to visit mass when I am out in ct...anyways hun.... do you have p[ics of you in your folder I am going to find out huggs ..
