Ah. It's that time of year where the sun is starting to peak out and give me freckles again.
My schedule changed and now I work M-F 5am-1pm. I'm very sleepy.
I've been trying to get out there and make a patio. Whoever lived here before us bordered their flower beds with old red bricks and white bricks and large river rocks. So I've been poking around in the back yard digging them all up. I've made part of our backpatio, but I've now come to a spot where I'm at a loss as to what to do. There's a slight incline. So, I either A. Dig up the higher part to level it all out, or B. Add dirt to the lower part and make a step up to level it all out. If I do A. I need to raise up my flower bed on the side, which I don't know if I want to do that to my plants, although they reestablish well. But if I do B. then my side garden will be lower by about a foot than the patio. What to do. What to do. I wish gardening and redecorating your yard was so much cheaper. :
crafster.org is evil. It makes me want to sew on everything I own. I wish my sewing machine wasn't already buried under 8 other projects as it is!!! Eek!
Kraglor is doing GREAT! He already is getting to know who I am... at least when I have food in hand. That wacky Kraglor.
Me and my husband are going Vegan. We've been for about a week and half. He was vegan back in highschool and college for about 7 years, but the past 5 years he's just been Veggie with me. I fucked up though today. There was a cheese croissant. It was calling to me in Heavenly tones. Fucking fake ass bastard. I ate it. And I've felt sick all day. I didn't know only a week and a half would already make me feel icky after eating such things. Oh well. Lesson learned indeed!
My schedule changed and now I work M-F 5am-1pm. I'm very sleepy.
I've been trying to get out there and make a patio. Whoever lived here before us bordered their flower beds with old red bricks and white bricks and large river rocks. So I've been poking around in the back yard digging them all up. I've made part of our backpatio, but I've now come to a spot where I'm at a loss as to what to do. There's a slight incline. So, I either A. Dig up the higher part to level it all out, or B. Add dirt to the lower part and make a step up to level it all out. If I do A. I need to raise up my flower bed on the side, which I don't know if I want to do that to my plants, although they reestablish well. But if I do B. then my side garden will be lower by about a foot than the patio. What to do. What to do. I wish gardening and redecorating your yard was so much cheaper. :
crafster.org is evil. It makes me want to sew on everything I own. I wish my sewing machine wasn't already buried under 8 other projects as it is!!! Eek!
Kraglor is doing GREAT! He already is getting to know who I am... at least when I have food in hand. That wacky Kraglor.
Me and my husband are going Vegan. We've been for about a week and half. He was vegan back in highschool and college for about 7 years, but the past 5 years he's just been Veggie with me. I fucked up though today. There was a cheese croissant. It was calling to me in Heavenly tones. Fucking fake ass bastard. I ate it. And I've felt sick all day. I didn't know only a week and a half would already make me feel icky after eating such things. Oh well. Lesson learned indeed!
I know it. I've been in retail for 4 years now, and messing up the drawer is no good. I felt really bad after I realized it, 'cause I'm sure she got in trouble.
Ahh, I recall the days when I was deeply bothered by having an un-vegan moment. I still go for the animal-less angle, but I've mellowed in my old age.