soooooooooooooooooooo im so pissed right now. I am a firm believer in the venus project and decided to take as much actiona as i can. i just finished zeigeist addendum and it made me cry.
it made so so dissapointed and pity human life. Learning that theres no need for money. theres no need for a job. Jobs are simply created to pay off the governments debt that they created on their own. We are all just paid salves in this day in age. Minus the beatings of course. It truely saddens me that there are people known as economic hitmen who corrupt those who are trying to do good for their countries and make it better or are being assainated in sneaky ways if they refuse a cash bribe, something that will soon be obsolite. And when i say sneaky assasinations i mean sudden like plane crashs and car crashs. i mean wtf?! We could be living like the friggin jetsons by now but nooooooooooooo greedy misleading souless people try their very hardest to prevent such things simply for money. Did you know they have a friggin train that runs unbeilievably clean and can at the same time take you to japan in 2 hours? did you know that they have an electric car that with 1 charge can get you up to 200 miles AND can go up to 100 miles an hour? Did you know that about 95 percent of jobs can become obsolite becase we HAVE the technology that can do it for us? i dont know about all of you but i could definately do without the stress of money and overdrafts and rent and finding a job and keeping a job. I can live with a machine that has a 95% succes rate in all surgerys. I can live with living my life without fear of crime . Because without money what would be the motivation to commit one? Learning all this information about how ive basically been lied to all my life by the so called amarican dream hurt more than anything ive ever felt. Fear is a powerful beast that CAN be demolished if we as humans and gods children take a stand to those who feel like having power and corrutpting those who dont and even killing those who disagree are put to a very low priotrity. We have to take a stand. I refuse to be looked at by those from the future or even by my grandkids as primitive and rediculously immature. I refuse to be compared to as a cave person because of people who love to use people to get there way financially. It is never right and never will be. i am ready for a huge change in my life and like the life of the world. Learning that oils and gas are simply Unnecessary is mind boggling . Knowing that there are enviormintally friendly objects out there that can power the world for 4000 years is amazing. Especially since the 4000 years would never end for the simple fact that the earth would naturally replenish it. I just dont see why all this chaos for something that was worth more in the 1920's. One dollar bill back then was worth $21. i just dont see the point anymore. When did evil get to office and banks and claim it as home.

it made so so dissapointed and pity human life. Learning that theres no need for money. theres no need for a job. Jobs are simply created to pay off the governments debt that they created on their own. We are all just paid salves in this day in age. Minus the beatings of course. It truely saddens me that there are people known as economic hitmen who corrupt those who are trying to do good for their countries and make it better or are being assainated in sneaky ways if they refuse a cash bribe, something that will soon be obsolite. And when i say sneaky assasinations i mean sudden like plane crashs and car crashs. i mean wtf?! We could be living like the friggin jetsons by now but nooooooooooooo greedy misleading souless people try their very hardest to prevent such things simply for money. Did you know they have a friggin train that runs unbeilievably clean and can at the same time take you to japan in 2 hours? did you know that they have an electric car that with 1 charge can get you up to 200 miles AND can go up to 100 miles an hour? Did you know that about 95 percent of jobs can become obsolite becase we HAVE the technology that can do it for us? i dont know about all of you but i could definately do without the stress of money and overdrafts and rent and finding a job and keeping a job. I can live with a machine that has a 95% succes rate in all surgerys. I can live with living my life without fear of crime . Because without money what would be the motivation to commit one? Learning all this information about how ive basically been lied to all my life by the so called amarican dream hurt more than anything ive ever felt. Fear is a powerful beast that CAN be demolished if we as humans and gods children take a stand to those who feel like having power and corrutpting those who dont and even killing those who disagree are put to a very low priotrity. We have to take a stand. I refuse to be looked at by those from the future or even by my grandkids as primitive and rediculously immature. I refuse to be compared to as a cave person because of people who love to use people to get there way financially. It is never right and never will be. i am ready for a huge change in my life and like the life of the world. Learning that oils and gas are simply Unnecessary is mind boggling . Knowing that there are enviormintally friendly objects out there that can power the world for 4000 years is amazing. Especially since the 4000 years would never end for the simple fact that the earth would naturally replenish it. I just dont see why all this chaos for something that was worth more in the 1920's. One dollar bill back then was worth $21. i just dont see the point anymore. When did evil get to office and banks and claim it as home.

bc this has made me so angry.. it makes me really dislike the authorities in the government. i will read more on this...
question.. in your own words.. *or maybe you can reference a piece of work* but what is the venus project???