after what seemed like forever i sent in a new set
heres a sneak peak
i really loved doin this one and im hopin that its one step forward to helpin me make it
im not quite sure when itll come out but soon im hopin
so lets keep our fingers crossed
maybe we should cross dicks too!
jk its from clerks 2 if anybody out there doesnt get it
greatest comedy movie for me
well i hope you all have a great day

after what seemed like forever i sent in a new set
heres a sneak peak

i really loved doin this one and im hopin that its one step forward to helpin me make it
im not quite sure when itll come out but soon im hopin
so lets keep our fingers crossed
maybe we should cross dicks too!
jk its from clerks 2 if anybody out there doesnt get it
greatest comedy movie for me
well i hope you all have a great day

I wanne have it now!!
I just had a look at your School Girl set, that outfit should be ilegal!!! Very hot!
Have a great day yourself!!