so yesterday i went to olive garden and the drive there was irritating enough
because i had to deal with stupid drivers driving 15 under the speed limit
but anywho i get there and me and the husband are excited cuz its olvie gadrn
whats not to get excited about
but yeah i found the most perfect parking spot
it was right in front of the resuraunt....and it wasnt a handicap spot
so i parked there and this huge black truck starts honking his horn at me
and what seemed like the longest i couldnt figure out why
so the husband tells me that i stole his spot
and im like "Bull-fuckin-shit. i found this spot first"
and while were talking this guy is still honking his horn at me
so i gave my spot up and considered it my good deed of the day
but i couldnt really enjoy my dinner
it was buggin me that i was pretty much bullied out of my spot
now if it was the old me i wouldve keyed his car all up with giant fuck you letters on it and not have thought twice about it
but since im not the old me and i didnt do what i wanted to do
and lord knows i wanted to, it shows that ive grown
and im very proud of myself
anywho i just needed to release some frustration out and now that i have i feel a whole lot better
i hope everyone else's day goes just as great as im fellin
so yesterday i went to olive garden and the drive there was irritating enough
because i had to deal with stupid drivers driving 15 under the speed limit
but anywho i get there and me and the husband are excited cuz its olvie gadrn
whats not to get excited about
but yeah i found the most perfect parking spot
it was right in front of the resuraunt....and it wasnt a handicap spot
so i parked there and this huge black truck starts honking his horn at me
and what seemed like the longest i couldnt figure out why
so the husband tells me that i stole his spot
and im like "Bull-fuckin-shit. i found this spot first"
and while were talking this guy is still honking his horn at me
so i gave my spot up and considered it my good deed of the day
but i couldnt really enjoy my dinner
it was buggin me that i was pretty much bullied out of my spot
now if it was the old me i wouldve keyed his car all up with giant fuck you letters on it and not have thought twice about it
but since im not the old me and i didnt do what i wanted to do
and lord knows i wanted to, it shows that ive grown
and im very proud of myself
anywho i just needed to release some frustration out and now that i have i feel a whole lot better
i hope everyone else's day goes just as great as im fellin

whoop! I am a massive fan of your positivity and optimism, so thank you for sharing that with me. I hope you have a good day too! 

Do you live in Washington state now? Too bad, we were just doing a class near Portland OR last month! If you PM me your email address I can add you to our maiilng list so you don't miss the next one out in your area, we tour all the time!