Budda Buddakan
Going out to eat tonight!
otherwise, the rough work week I expected, didn't pan out, which is good.
If anyone is ever interested in my more personal and vitriolic attacks on people, places and things, I write that in my
other blog.
I keep a secret journal, in paper form, too, where I dictate my worst fantasies and harshest observations.
It's good to write. I'd like to be a writer.
I suppose all you have to do is start writing and there you are.
hope everyone is doing great!
I'm planning on a nice easy weekend. Signing my lease on Saturday. Moving a little on Sunday. Some suckers are moving into my current house, which is good b/c they will generate some cash for me, I already paid the last month's rent and they are paying me, hence the vested interest. But...
But, I'm not really up for dealing with new personalities in such a space and time. As a matter of fact, one of the dudes moving in hasn't spoken a fucking Hello in more than 25 social interactions. Not that I'm the most talkative cuss in the world, but I'm fucking friendly at least. I'll say Hi. I can acknowledge your presence. So yeah, it's great to be moving solo. Maybe before I leave this place I can dig my claws into one of these new ninnies and have a little fun.
Oh, and lastly...(this is actually a long posting).
Brassy, my pup, is back on her feet and feeling fine. She felt so good the other day she rolled in shit to show it off. Mmm Mmm, great to see her all smiles and happy. My dumb friend.
take care!

Going out to eat tonight!
otherwise, the rough work week I expected, didn't pan out, which is good.
If anyone is ever interested in my more personal and vitriolic attacks on people, places and things, I write that in my
other blog.
I keep a secret journal, in paper form, too, where I dictate my worst fantasies and harshest observations.
It's good to write. I'd like to be a writer.
I suppose all you have to do is start writing and there you are.
hope everyone is doing great!
I'm planning on a nice easy weekend. Signing my lease on Saturday. Moving a little on Sunday. Some suckers are moving into my current house, which is good b/c they will generate some cash for me, I already paid the last month's rent and they are paying me, hence the vested interest. But...
But, I'm not really up for dealing with new personalities in such a space and time. As a matter of fact, one of the dudes moving in hasn't spoken a fucking Hello in more than 25 social interactions. Not that I'm the most talkative cuss in the world, but I'm fucking friendly at least. I'll say Hi. I can acknowledge your presence. So yeah, it's great to be moving solo. Maybe before I leave this place I can dig my claws into one of these new ninnies and have a little fun.
Oh, and lastly...(this is actually a long posting).
Brassy, my pup, is back on her feet and feeling fine. She felt so good the other day she rolled in shit to show it off. Mmm Mmm, great to see her all smiles and happy. My dumb friend.
take care!

last night was fucking funners. i didn't mean to get so drunky...but damn i had a good time! not even hungover now...and i found a new love at Starbucks...the frapuccchino thing. omg. sooooo good!
gonna miss you too pokie.
but i'm gonna buy everyone presents! presents are nice!
see ya next week and have fun in VA!