Rain, humidity, and a bright moon make me happy, psylicybe gatherers unite free treats for the masses... Now to look for a lovely companion to join ... this my friends has been terribly hard as of late; my verve to wistle at the local lovely filling up her tank at the corner gas station isn't there, and that perhaps has now become standard procedure ......
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Glory Glory Man United! ... New Orleans is calling with it's beautiful, bountiful mix of outcasts and weirdos; time to claim my spot... lovliest place in the world... best of nights to you all; perhaps I'll see you there?
Time to unleash some jungle bunny fuck rock to the wayward masses ...
Another zombified jesus day ... Another fifth of crown ... Another wasted evening...
blood doesnt mix in the beddy-room... night night fellow travelers...
Work then Bourbon lovlies... leave me some happy pappy messages if you so feel the urge. It'll make my spirits go up when i stumble back to my hotel. Best of weekends te everyone as well...
i want to visit NO so badly! ... enticing to say the least.
that's frickin awesome......Lucky you lol......i so wanna go there someday .......it'd be kickass
Today ... I tried to buy milk for our local town vagrant Mr. Terry, but couldnt afford it. I fear my time at this brilliant web site will be short due to nicotine fits and over taxation, so I shall make of it what i can... In retrospect maybe I'll join Mr. Terry, not pay my bills and travel for a while... care to join?
oooo where are you goin to go......and sucks we only just now became friends.......thanx for the comment on my photography btw <3 lol and he is like a big teddy bear HA !!
yes, lets go
Mmm mmm... Cofee, overly taxed cigerettes and toast... A sure fire cure for insomnia... Another day, but I'm back on S. G. For free, gosh golly gee ... A good day perhaps ... The dungeon tonight friends...
We should check the fungus next time... before we indulge ...
uh oh...that doesnt sound good... eeek
hahaha...that shit can get you into some trouble!

obviously youre still alive, though...thats a bonus!