things have been wonderful as always, got a new beau.. one ive know since i was 14. this one feels like its it, its over. things just fell right into place, i feel like i've been a wife for years already. i think the whole time till now i just had lust relationships (which are dope) but this one isnt really lusty... (almost boring).
i got in my first "argument" w. a customer last night @ work (owner of a jewlery store) my boss' said i did real good, i kept calm and got what i wanted from the on my way to a boss posistion!!!
im sick too with a sinus infection but ill recover, i get em every season change.
off to the mall & work
i got in my first "argument" w. a customer last night @ work (owner of a jewlery store) my boss' said i did real good, i kept calm and got what i wanted from the on my way to a boss posistion!!!

im sick too with a sinus infection but ill recover, i get em every season change.
off to the mall & work
No way...
Your member #2 that has a Puggy, that Ive found..