last night @ karaokie there was a goood friend of ours who never drink, and he got dumped the other day so we gave him a good time. table 8 ladies bought our other friend a bday cake that i ended up cutting for everyone. that didnt last long, that cake was all over everyone's face. i thought that i had gotten away with it, nope i got tons of cake all over me. then good old eatnpark we run into these cuuuuute metal kids - not the scummy / dirty metal either - cuuute kids. so cute i didnt even eat. i ended up calling the ones house like 4 am to say hi and got bitched at by his dad hahaha. fuggit. we are kid napping them tonight. who meets cool people @ eatnpark.? i'm shaking so bad i must still be drunk hhaha.. theres last nights fun woooo

Sounds like the shivyizzle. Word of advice, don't date the guitarist...they're so i've been acused of.
i miss you!!