anyone else have those friends that are cool with joking around and then randomly take things UBER sensitively and personally... like a switch flipped outta nowhere? fucking drives me nuts. like okay, draw a fucking calendar out for me and tell me when we can make fun of eachother and when we cant. i dont fucking care when you joke on me. seriously. this chicks got these three specific words that seriously make her cringe. Moist. Pickled. and Macarooni. so randomly while talking to her ill throw those words in there. not all the time. maybe twice or so a month? the only way we communicate is through myspace or facebook since i hate talking on the phone and im living 1000 miles away. and today she fucking sends me this nasty ass email saying how shes sick of me making her feel uncomfortable and blah blah bitching blah. she usually plays along with it. im pretty sure this guy shes with seriously brings out the crazy in her. its insane. i dont fucking know. i dont get it.
and i hate when people flip out over small things like that