So today after years of giving my "husband" everything he walks away. I don't get it, I was nothing but good to him. I dealt with him, his PTSD, the Army, his family, his issues for all these years and he leaves in the night. He takes my engagement ring, my ipod, my heart and goes all the way back to Virginia. Then he calls me and tells me he loves me and wants me back. Today I try to call him and he hangs up on me, texts me a "we r threw, leave me alone" and turns off his cell. My heart is bleeding, He crushed it. What was I worth to him so he could do this to me. I feel so alone. So used. I gave him everything and I clung to the hope he loved me as much as I loved him. I guess he prob is cheating on me, so he can just leave me like this after all these years. It hurts so much, I gave him my life, I have no friends to lean on, cuz I gave him my all. Why is this all am worth?
Fuck him

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