sometimes i really am glad that i've learned all this through pain and love. i mean, going through your life with a pre-set group of rules, standards, and comandments is ok, for a person who wants to look at the world through rose colored glasses, but how could a person really know who they are and what there capable of without playing the devils advocate, and experiancing what they where brought up to believe to be unpure, and immoral?
this should be a weekend for partying
I forgot to get my guitar today, but I will first thing tomorrow. Billy and J and I are going to start writing. Aren't you getting your cab this weekend?
Someone came up to Billy at the show and said he heard we were playign some good stuff, he said if we have stuff written by February or so, that theres a show at the venue, and they wouldn't mind us playing....
I hope you didn't forget to fill out my timecard...