so i'm told that the music i listen to is what makes me a negative person? well, that just doesnt make any sense. could it ever? no. of course not, we are all reasonable enough people to understand that music cannot go as far as to determine the outcome of the day. so then why the negitive music? well, maybe its just my way of venting, maybe its just my way of coping, maybe its not negative at all when you understand that pain is a necessary condition in life, and what you overcome sculpts you into a person. well, i'm listening to a band called "teeth of lions rule the divine" a very good band, and i think my roomate put it best when he said that the CD i was listening to sounded like a dying machine. maybe thats what i feel like, and maybe hearing it makes me feel better, maybe not so alone, or maybe if you discard all the shit i've just typed above, i could say that i simply like it.
I'm pissed.