so i've re-named pinkisuxs cat to shitbag, mainly because i caught him eating something he shouldnt have, then this morning my roomates informed me that he got the shits, and spent the night rubbing his burning ass all over the kitchen floor, so it was fun cleaning up shit streaks while i waited for my coffee. but besides that all is well. talked to my X last night for the first time in about 7 months, which was kinda strange, yet comforting in a way. we had a relationship that lasted from when i was 16 to 21, with about 6 break-ups within that time. so you can guess that it wasnt a very good relationship. but it was the only time in my life that i truly felt love. anyway, so this also reminds me that even though i'm looking for someone else, i probably shouldnt be trying to hard and just enjoy this 9 months i've been without anyone. anyway, time for work, YAY, get to show off my first tat. i got a spider tattoo behind my right earlobe at nobody;s hero. it looks pretty good, and it actually didnt hurt at all considering that half of it was tattoo'd on my skull.
that cat has looked up at me, and then squated right in front of my very eyes. he has no self control. he just needs some tough love.
i know you're into Dune. i highly recommend you look at Flux's newest set. HIGHLY