another night of summer rain storms and drinking and music. decided to cancel my suicide girl account. not because i personally dislike anything about the site, but i just dont get anything from it, i've gone through the message boards, met a suicide girl in person, gone on live chat, and found nothing meanful to me, its not like i dont find these women attractive,...
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Happy Birthday.. You smell like you're 23 alright.Is is really your birthday???
Happy birthday from a random person.

its kinda funny, i love metal, death metal, black metal, doom, thrash, everything from judas rocki'n priest to deeds of flesh, but no matter what i do, every song i write is blues. so thats what o've been listening too and playing all day now, drinking by myself, and playing some mother fucking bass,. talked to my X fiance today, she's doing ok, thinking about...
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wow, so self unappreciating.... you should have drank with us and played game cube!
where are the pictures?!
so my uncle told me that he wont be doing kemo, or surgery to remove the cancer thats killing him, mainly because of what will happen to the quality of his life during and after kemo and surgery. so he has about 5 to 10 years to live, according to what the doctors in dallas say. i dont think i've ever seen him like this....
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Electric Wizard?! Right-the-fuck-on.
I think there is a little more to do in Denver than in Boise; if not only because we have more than a couple of places to go and see live music, and the fact that there's more than one store like the Record Exchange. One of my best friends is from Boise, and our band recently went through there on a tour. (We played with Bovalexia at Neurolux during their farewell show). Do you ever go and see shows at Satano (the basement under Jeremy from Boise's house), or anything put-on by Fort Hazel?
One of my favorite things about Boise aside from the Record Exchange -- and this is going to sound silly -- is the fact that you can go to an Albertson's store and buy that really cheap Odds & Ends ice cream. You know, the kind where it's a mix of two flavors from when they switched flavors in the packing machine? We can't get that here.
I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, but depending on how he spends his remaining time he might be around a lot longer than the doctors say. The happier he is, the better he just might get ... you and everyone around him can help him make it last. It's not over yet.
I think there is a little more to do in Denver than in Boise; if not only because we have more than a couple of places to go and see live music, and the fact that there's more than one store like the Record Exchange. One of my best friends is from Boise, and our band recently went through there on a tour. (We played with Bovalexia at Neurolux during their farewell show). Do you ever go and see shows at Satano (the basement under Jeremy from Boise's house), or anything put-on by Fort Hazel?
One of my favorite things about Boise aside from the Record Exchange -- and this is going to sound silly -- is the fact that you can go to an Albertson's store and buy that really cheap Odds & Ends ice cream. You know, the kind where it's a mix of two flavors from when they switched flavors in the packing machine? We can't get that here.
I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, but depending on how he spends his remaining time he might be around a lot longer than the doctors say. The happier he is, the better he just might get ... you and everyone around him can help him make it last. It's not over yet.
fuck cancer. i respect anyone refusing chemo. shitty things come with chemo, some are worse than just having cancer.
hopefully, your uncle's quality of life will be much better without the chemo than with it. chances are that it'd last just as long if he had treatment than if he hadn't.
see ya around
hopefully, your uncle's quality of life will be much better without the chemo than with it. chances are that it'd last just as long if he had treatment than if he hadn't.
see ya around
I now instruct everyone who reads this to address me as "D to the P" from now on
Hey.. pictures! yes.
Dick Pus?
so i'm drunk, unspent, and in an odd mood. somehow or other i feel like i'm more of a spectator in the world around me, rather than a partisepent. but then again, that isnt really an odd mood after all, its kinda what i've felt for 90% of my whole life.
" i'm more of a spectator in the world around me, rather than a partisepent"
But whose fault is that?
Oh yeah, Manders asked me for your number last night too.
I faked like I didn't know it.
[Edited on Mar 27, 2004 1:52PM]
But whose fault is that?
Oh yeah, Manders asked me for your number last night too.
I faked like I didn't know it.
[Edited on Mar 27, 2004 1:52PM]
maybe it's because you're really a zombie and you're seeing the world from the eyes of a zombie and you want to eat people, so you don't talk to them because you are trying to cover up some overwhelming urge to bite them and bring them to the dark side where you can only see and not speak, but you are a nice zombie, so you don't. I say, bite someone.
so now i've upgraged the situation, my car got hit, and fucked up, but i've at least managed to bend the front quater panel back into place with a crowbar, and remove the flip up head light assembly. so i at least thought that i could just got get some parts from the junkyard near here, and be back on my merry way, but..... now...
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my car is broken.
I start a new job tomorrow. How refreshing. meh.
so car wrecks are fun. i was going about 5 miles an hour through a parking lot, when i noticed pinkisux's getting into her car, so right before i slammed on the horn to get her attention, 2 things happend A i went through a stop sign without stopping, and B an SUV plowed into the side of my poor little 87 honda accord. so...
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Uh what fetelogy said.
sorry... i'll try not to be so hot next time.
yes, it was a good weekend. got real drunk, had a few laughs, hung out with freinds, ended up meeting this cute little redheaded dirty hippie girl, shagged like is was going out of style. repeat all that all 3 days of the weekend, and pic up a nice little digital camera at the end. yay.
Oh you look so snazzy in your new profile picture.
What is the deal with you and the red-headed dirty hippie girl?
What is the deal with you and the red-headed dirty hippie girl?
shagged. haha. Finally, you update your journal! neat.
yay, its me
What would this all be, but an image acted out as an ideal dream. eh, just somthing to ponder.
Define 'this'.
Also, in your info, Favorite Artist should read: Bryce Kresge.
Damn straight martha-fokker.
[Edited on Feb 28, 2004 5:43AM]
Also, in your info, Favorite Artist should read: Bryce Kresge.
Damn straight martha-fokker.
[Edited on Feb 28, 2004 5:43AM]
I'll ponder you. *
The Cramps - Stay Sick
Lynyrd Skynyrd - self titled
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
Buddy Holly - Greatest Hits
Bauhaus - The Sky's Gone Out
Bauhaus - Burning From Inside
Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses
CCR - 1969
Simon and Garfunkel - The Graduate Soundtrack
i spent a total of 38$ on vinyl today, and picked up 9 albums, oh how i wish i...
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Lynyrd Skynyrd - self titled
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
Buddy Holly - Greatest Hits
Bauhaus - The Sky's Gone Out
Bauhaus - Burning From Inside
Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses
CCR - 1969
Simon and Garfunkel - The Graduate Soundtrack
i spent a total of 38$ on vinyl today, and picked up 9 albums, oh how i wish i...
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Same here, as soon as i take care of my current money problems. Also i think that sludgecore and stoner stuff sounds better on vinyl for some reason, I think it makes it sound even dirtier.
neat. I like vinyl. and vinyl pants.
listening to janis joplin, and wondering if my car will start today, godamn fuel pump, eh, oh well, i have owned this car for almost 2 years now, and this is the first real problem i've ever had, which is more than i can say for the other 2 cars i've owned. otherwise, got a new bass, a godin BG-4, list 1300$ i paid 500$,...
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