Fighting such a Migraine................................WTFblackeyed
I'm too depressed for such a nice day. Need to find a way to pick myself up! frown
**Need Ideas!
I'm planning a Daddy/Daughter day and need some ideas of what to do. She is 4, and loves all the things that come with a 4 yrs old girl. I was thinking a movie, she has never been to one. Please come with ideas.........
Worst Day In a long time!

So I had to get up at 5:15 AM to go to a training event for work, I take a shower, get dressed, grab my stuff and head out the door. I'm 1 1/2 hrs into a 2 1/2 hour drive when I get a call from my wife. Asking me "Where are my fucking keys?". I look down...
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So looking foward to taking tomorrow off and getting a new internet provider. Maybe now I won't get kicked off chat as much.....smile
Bonus smile
Sitting at the house with a sick baby. frown I guess I can chat for a little bit.
What a weekend! Spent so much time outside, I missed out on some SG.
Thinking about getting some new ink. Looking for some ideas. Back and both shoulders are all taken up. I was thinking something on the side......what looks hot on a guy?