So I'm feeling a little better but still not 100%. I'm excited for Wednesday I'm making my first non strip club paid apperance. I'm making an apperance at F.I.T. which I guess is a local college. I'm introducing 2 bands but what is cool about this is that I was requested to make the apperance, its pretty cool that they asked for me and just me, could be because I'm the youngest DJ here at the station but still its cool. This concert is open to everyone, the main band is prety good PRC-77 and opening is Katty and the Tribe I have never heard of Katty but she is pretty good looking, its only 5 bucks at the door. If ya'll (sorry its just a fun word to use) want to come out go right ahead but if not thats cool, iknow I'm going to be very bored.
Blackbeard959 fun fact: I once got into an arguement about the acting abilty of Tom Green with a friend once, we came close to fist fighting over it. I do what I do because of Tom Green. When I was in the hospital his show is one of few things that kept me happy. Dont think any less of me because I admire Tom Green and concider him to be my hero.
Blackbeard959 fun fact: I once got into an arguement about the acting abilty of Tom Green with a friend once, we came close to fist fighting over it. I do what I do because of Tom Green. When I was in the hospital his show is one of few things that kept me happy. Dont think any less of me because I admire Tom Green and concider him to be my hero.
Hope everything is kewl with you sweetness
sorry you've been feeling so awful. i hope you're feeling a little better? you sound okay on air, if you were concerned!
so did you do the hair?
it's so cool they requested you for tomorrow. have a rocking good time!