Hola people,I am just sitting in the Best Western Hotel waiting to get to work across the street, Def Leppard are here but alas I haven't had the pleasure of laughing at them. THey came into work last nite for drinks and to be pigs. What a joke. Ah well, I shall key their buses on my way out the door...Some NA friends and I are pooling our cash and going to do this fuckin 72 oz steak challenge, if u eat it all its free. no biggie for me. Plus Ill win the money we pool...heh heh... well, I graduated rehab AGAIN, last time for me. I guess it sorta had to be for me....I mean I tried to do it for everyone else the first time and that didn't work out so....I finally hit my bottom and I took myself there, so I climbed out on my own. I am working a concrete 12 step program (NA) and joining a 12 step working group on Monday and doing service work, etc for my NA home group such as setting up meetings, and chairing or being secretary...I am just really grateful to be alive. The worst day straight is better than the best day fucked. Anyways, I am not homeless, I am working at Tony Romas now and selling Avon and doing house cleaning for some old bag on Mondays so I am getting by. And I am applying to college for a grant for either January or September....Halloween is coming up yeeha! Well, I got a new address and phone number so if anyone wants it email me, I'd call u but no long distance yet...I will soon have a computer at my home. I miss you guys lots 

I love pics #11, #13, #34, #45, #47.