This lady is very very happy. She is goin to the Pour House tonite
to pick songs, and dance and ........heh heh.......maybe some after buzz McD's??? That would totally kick ass.....I totally conned them for free nuggets. heh heh. .......Ministry rarrrr. Where are all the pretty friends of mine? Where are all the pretty fucks of mine? Where are all the GIRLFRIENDS???
adrenaline......u dont even feel the pain, wilder than yr wildest dreams....yr goin to extremes.

adrenaline......u dont even feel the pain, wilder than yr wildest dreams....yr goin to extremes.
Nice to see you'vr your internet connection once again. Welcome back. 

McD's?!? That's so gross. My friend worked there and told me some horror stories about the grossness that used to happen there. Plus he was really dirty and I wouldn't ever want him to handle ANY of my food. What is the Pour House?