Its been a while since i've done this. Lets see what I got. the other day me and my buddy decided to go out racing. We met up with 2 guys on gsxr's. Not a problem 4 me. Me and my dad just got done putting a 1000 motor and extense frame work on my kat. Needless to say, bad fucking bike now. The one DUDE and i capitalize it because every 2 words out the morons mouth was DUDE. Fucking annoying. we set it up to run for 200 a pass on whatever road they wanted 2 go on. My buddy kyle had a haybusa. And I mean had. I'll get to that in a minute. So my turn is up 2 run. I pulled him off the line like it wasnt a problem. So i let off a little because i havent really got on it yet. Didn't want to do too much damage. So I beat him the first pass and the second pass. My buddy Kyle is up now. His race shouldnt have been a problem. We spotted the DUDE a rolling first against a dead stop. To make it more fair ofcourse. All he had 2 do was keep the front wheel down,(kyle, that's it). But he just doesnt seem 2 listen to me. I told him there were potholes and he couldn't do that. Does he listen? no. Does he wreck? of course. Thats not the bad part. The bad part was he was out cold. Scared the shit out of everybody. He finally comes to it and just started screaming out of pain. In all the commotion no one realized he had a dislocated shoulder broken ankles (both of them) and a compound fracture on his femur. Needless to say the race never finished. For him. He was flown to shocktrauma for loss of blood. Everybody there got tickets for loitering. Apparently they had nothing better to fucking do. But he's doing better now. All he does now is cry because he fucked his bike up that badly. Doesn't care about himself, just the bike. Is it me??? Or should he be caring about himself more then the bike??? I know what I'd be worried about. Im waiting for the pictures to be returned to me and I will definetly post them. Pretty sure if your reading this, this just about as bored as I am. Sorry for putting you through reading this boring and kinda blah blah blah blog. Hit me back!!!!
It could have been fun but he fucked up everything