Went out for a bike ride earlier today. I pulled up to a light and a little kid in the car next to me kept raising his hand up and down like he wanted me 2 do a wheelie. The light turned green and I looked around, No cops. So I decided to do a wheelie for the kid. I let them get in front of me so I could pass them doing it. As soon as I pass them the kid started to clap and smile. Made me feel really good because he thought it was the coolest thing. As I passed the car (doing a wheelie) a glare off to the right caught my eye. As fate would have it, Nonetheless, it was a cop. Me being the nice citizen that I am I pulled over. When I was on the shoulder he got on the P.A saying to put my keys on the ground and take my helmet off and sit on the curb. So yet again being the nice citizen, I did without question. After I was sitting on a cold ass curb for about 10 minutes he finally got out. Forgot to mention 2 more pulled up in the process of me waiting. ! stayed in the car and the other walked up with his partner. (uhoh). So he gets to me and ask's for my license and registration, Like always. Being the nice citizen (yet again), I did without question. So Mr. Officer asked the usaul question, Do you know why I pulled you over? Me being the somewhat nice somewhat stupid ass and 3rd part humor and dipshit, I said yes. Then he decided to ask me why, Like I didn't already know why. So now I was the smartass and said," Because I wasn't wearing a seatbelt right???" Apparently his partner was humorous, but not him. His partner started chuckling and he got mad. He said no, and for that I'll be right back. So him and his partner decided to go back to the patrol car for about 45 mins. Yet again freezing my ass off on a cold fucking curb. He comes back with a smile on his face and said here mr. mitchell I need you to sign here. I said for what? He handed me a ticket for $500.00 and 5 points on my license. Now I have to get back in touch with my lawyer, because this isn't the first time i've been to court, and pay probably a total of betweeen 2 and 3 thousand to get this off of me. What a fucking way to start your day. You try to do something nice for the kids and all you do is end up having to pay a shitload more money then it was worth. Well cant say that all the way. It was a cute kid....
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