Hey guys hope all is well with everyone....

I am trying to do something for my little cousinSavannah she is 2 and has a brain tumor... I'm trying to do a benifit carwash and a benifit concert in her name so if ANYONE can help either w/ the carwash or you have a band or know someone in a band and would play for...
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I just wanted to thank PiNkFuCkErMeOw for making me smile yesterday with her journal story it was GREAT especially to know that not all childhood innocents is lost when you grow up.... biggrin

But, today my questions to all that are interested are ummm dark and I seek not only knowledge but, understanding of a subject I am familiar with just not on this plain.......

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can seem to hold back the tears again... my heart goes out to u babes..... and ur cousin i my thoughts and prayers......

1. yes i do..... but don't really know who it is anymore.
2. what i do not understand is in the christian faith how we are all predestined to a certain life and death... i am nota good person to ask these questions right now but i know that when my 5 year was put in the hospital for spinal meningitous and was found ok 3 days later, uhmmmmm, well, i knew that prayer worked...... People say god is a good god and i agree and also disagree... but won't get into this right now cuz ur whole journal will be full... but i will tell u this i was given this at one point in my life and it my "calling" they say Isaiah 65. read if u get a chance or want to NIV.
3. i think as the adults, family and friends of the child we have soo much loss when a child is taken from us...... but the answer is unknown...
"A Wish for Ms. Kitty" by Heather Davis
i wish i had the words to
mend the hurt u feel,
i wish i had a little star
that would wish away ur fears,
i wish i knew all the answers
to the questions u posess,
i only know that love
can move a mountain, if u put it to the test.
so i challenage u today
to love like never before
for in ur love
may ly the cure
we all are hoping for......
thru FAITH and LOVE we have a CURE!!!!!

wow, i don't know where that came from but it popped in my head so i thought i'd jot it down.... well babes... u need ANYTHING... just let me know... k??????


ha ha ha I see u....... here is my daily "LUV YA" SPILL and warm fuzzy GOO GOO GAA GAA stuff.... sorry about yesturday and not sending nothing... i was....well....... a little sad and shit... i think i had one of these

cold ass prickles in my BUTT... but TODAY i want u to know that U are SUPACALAFRAGILISTICEXPEALIDOSHIES and

Thanks for just being u... INDIVIDUALITY FUCKIN KICKS ASS!!!!!

xOxO ~ PiNkY miao!! mutha fuckaz miao!! kiss
To everyone how read my journal please visit this website for my cousin who needs all the support and prayers we have

Thank You smile
Well kids I hope all is well with everyone out there....
I just wanted to give someone creidt for making me smile yesterday when I thought a smile wasnt possiblePiNkFuCkEr smile .....

My questions foe you...
* Do you have faith be it in God or whatever
* In that faith can you explain to me why God or whatever would take someone who has...
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IT's PiNkFuCkErMeOw I typed it wrong SORRY guys blush
Wow its been awhile since I've updated not much has been going on here. I started another job at the coolest place in the high desert to do hair its cool.....I actually like this job and do not forsee me leaving anytime soon!!! smile Hope all is well with everyone out there
what's wrong with supercuts? its where i get my wonderfully did hair at. biggrin

Where are you at? I would like to get a good stylist and help me out with my muff wink
Happy Birthday
nothing to report hope all is well with everyone smile
see above. that's the one i was talking about. and - gasp - it's mostly all there, can you believe it? wink

happity birthday! skull
Hey kids....not much goin on here just had my insides ripped out so I am no longer a fully functioning woman just the good parts work...atleast the parts I want to work anyways....
Hope all is well
great that they are gone! mmm I don't know why I don't post on this earlyer I am like living in a time warp.
oooooh, i'm jealous that yer insides are gone...i wish mine would go away, but the doc keeps mumbling about how i might change my mind one of these days n want kids (i dunno, i haven't changed my mind yet, n it's been saying no for 33 years now...)
Hello everyone,
Not much is goin on been busy with work, kiddos and my hubby.....We went ansd saw BLS last thursy and this Thday I will be seeing OTEP!!!!!! YAY!!!!! I'm so excited cant wait smile biggrin .....
Hope all is well with everyone
Well its like 6 am and I didn't get home from my very fist baseball game ever till like 12am but it was soooooooo worth it we had so much fun biggrin ..... It was a place where my kids could scream and no one cared it was the best....And, for once the team i was going to see didnt loose unlike the last times I've...
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Well kids I have awsome news SamanthaKayne and her honey Ironbhr have asked me to be God Mother to their little girl and I'm sooooooooooo excited cuz I get to be a Mommy agian but, dont have to go threw the pain agian biggrin biggrin .....We are so so happy!!! Now I cant wait till she gets here even more than I did before.

I am also...
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Congratulations god mother. Wow man that's awesome. Crazy jobs are goot man. smile
opening day!!! damn!!!

iron got us tix for the mets rockies, but it's 3 weeks b4 I'm due... lol... we'll see!
Hey kidos... Whats up? Nothing here just trying to recover from this month and get ready for the next.. My new boss has this great idea (not) on how to prove who the better stylist is in our salon its basicly a race to see who can make him the most money. Its not even like we get that great of a prize when its...
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you over throw someone for power? no way! i nice kind girl like you! gasp what will my daughter, your god daughter think! well... it's nothing i won't teacher her so..i guess...there will be no problem. skull

go here to get a giggle!
Wow ok its been over 2weeks since I updated I am so bad at this... Not much to report went to disneyland hell this week duh!!! forhot its spring break and every snot nosed crying child had to be there the day we went i wanted to blow the damn place up mad .. It worked out in the end tho so its was pretty cool....
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When I was in Paris I went to disneyland as I wanted to see what something so american would be like in France.

OOPS that was a wasted day and 3 days worth of money.
*great seeing you again* kiss kiss kiss kiss
Hey everyone, well all is good in Kittyville. I started my new job and its goin good thus far. I have just bought some concert tickets to see Black Lable Society and cant wait we are also hopefully going to see Lamb of God and Social D aswell comming soon. But, other than that my life is pretty kick back right now, no drama to...
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Great to hear! I'm glad you're enjoying your new working environment.

Ultimate Dream-To be both rich and happy. I know usually it's one or the other but it would be great to be both. If I had to pick just one I would be happy though.
fuckin a, Id better see when social d is coming to chicago because I have a friend in florida whos seeing them tonight or something