I was tagged to do this fun little challenge by the beautiful @nymm
1) Height? 5'7"
2) Virgin? Born again ;)
3) Do you smoke? 4/20 all the way
4) Do you drink? Not as of a month ago
5) Age you get mistaken for? 20-30 I'm 25 sooo
6) Any tattoos? Ehh a few ;)
7) Any piercings? I had an addiction
8) Best friend? Best SG friends @periguin @lushlex @alikatt @vannasia and @antiverse
9)A fact about your personality: girl, she's a lot. Personality big enough to take up a full room
10) What career did you choose when you were a child? I want3d to be a lawyer or model 😅
11) Where would you like to be right now? On the beach maybe Disney
Your turn!
@periguin @lushlex @alikatt @vannasia @midnight @laceyjane @scarandderek @cygnet @antiverse