First let me say the other leg will have a tortoise to match (that will be my next visit)
So we all know the story of the tortoise and the hare, "slow and steady wins the race." The moral is take youre time dont be in a hurry. This is an adaptation to make it more commercial friendly. The story actually goes the hare, after agreeing to the race, realized it was stupid and gave up allowing the tortoise to win. After his victory a fire raged through the forest and the animals called a meeting to decide what to do, they felt the fastest animal should deliver the warning to the rest of the forest.the tortoise, having beat the hare, was chosen. long story short everyone in the forest died. So I guess you could say the moral of the story is know your place 🤔 the original story, not only more metal, but just home with me more. I am always streaching myself too thin, trying to overachieve, or gping past what I know my limits are. Usually ending in Huge failure. So this to me is a reminder to stay on my lane, or keep my pace.