So accounting is boring as batshit that is what im doing at the moment before my early morning trip down to melbourne to pick up the stores comic delivery which is like a month late. so another late night working at the store yay.
More Blogs
Monday Feb 06, 2012
So not been on here in a while gonna try at least once amonth this ye… -
Wednesday Dec 28, 2011
SOOOO Bored today the store has been so quiet though id come on here … -
Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
So I'm off to Perth on Saturday morning for my brothers bucks party. … -
Friday Aug 12, 2011
Does everyone one i know going to get married coz that is the second … -
Friday Jul 29, 2011
So just got finished next door at the tattooist god thats convenient … -
Friday Jul 22, 2011
So todays has finally tore it for me i am going to c2e2 next year dam… -
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
So i got a shipment for the store today and as usual there was stuff… -
Tuesday Jun 28, 2011
So i'm really going to try to do this more regularly from now on just… -
Friday Apr 22, 2011
So havent been on in a while been really busy and stuff you know work… -
Thursday Mar 31, 2011
So i just finished work delivery day today so new stuff very exciting…
and accounting is evil. lol