Why do bordem and lonliness make for such easy sleep?
Why do some girls believe the world revolves around them?
The more I experience the more I am begining to think that girls would rather be treated like shit than nice. Guess its true nice guys finish last.
Im sick of being a doormat.
Well it is off to Great Lakes Brewery to hopefully drown...
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Why do some girls believe the world revolves around them?
The more I experience the more I am begining to think that girls would rather be treated like shit than nice. Guess its true nice guys finish last.
Im sick of being a doormat.
Well it is off to Great Lakes Brewery to hopefully drown...
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memento mori. its latin for "remember thy death"
Welcome to the BCB group sir 

Ohio is for lovers
I dont believe it
but it is a good song
liking Hawthorne Heights the more I listen
Working on Halloween was actually nice
no customers really at work
was depressing coming home and doing nothing though
Wish i had more than zero dollars
fall seven times get up eight times
I dont believe it
but it is a good song
liking Hawthorne Heights the more I listen
Working on Halloween was actually nice
no customers really at work
was depressing coming home and doing nothing though
Wish i had more than zero dollars
fall seven times get up eight times
did anybody know you could order pizza online. i didnt until this evening. was hungry and of course could not find any numbers or menus in this messy ass house. so i decided it had to be on the internet. and it was. 45 minutes later pizza showed up at my house without even dialing a number. wonder if any companies will deliver beer in...
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haha awww thankyou.
put some pictures of my tattoos up and one of my ugly grill.
returned to work today aftert a nice weekend off. still the same place. was especially destroyed form a very busy weekend. spent most of the day trying to clean up from the weekend. could have stayed all night and still had some things to do. so this should be a fun week there. buisness is really starting to pick up. especially with the nicer weather....
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just waking up from a long night of two beers and nothing else. so it wasnt a long night. was just so bored. come to the realization that i dont have many really good friends. A couple but not as many as i once had. it may be a good thing. got a long day of drinking planned today since i am off of work....
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drinkin days have their ups and downs.
yeah they'll be sleeves sooner or later
yeah they'll be sleeves sooner or later
spent most of today cleaning the house. mostly had to clean up empty computer boxes. Just got our new systems here and new wireless setup. cleaning sucks because it seems i am the only one who ever takes the initiative to clean on my own before the house gets completely unbearable. Cooked dinner again tonight. Buying groceries and cooking is so much more satisfying than...
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hey. welcome to sg 

oops. double post. sorry
[Edited on Apr 07, 2005 8:31PM]
[Edited on Apr 07, 2005 8:31PM]