So today is an awesome and tiring day... I decided to skip class because I am honestly tired of school lol! I am done this month.... I am working on Bytch Fest and I am getting a lot of eager volunteers....hmmmm!!! I am dancing at Betty's Blue Star tonight and I want to get so fucking wasted.... All in all people, today is a day...
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Wish there was show like that here.Have fun,my friend.
where's betty's blue star?! when do you have upcoming shows cuz i would love to go...or even participate, if i can! hot pic 

Life is so funny, so last night I had a performance at the Blue Bayou and it was awesome, afterwards me and my girl left the bar and as we were running and playing around, we saw this womyn fall and we immediately ran over to see if she was okay. Well next thing you know, we started talking and she started telling me that...
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Hey you did a great job dancing at the shows, and uh,I should've given you that whole bottle of F*ing Effen to get it away from me!! :o
Yep, I drank like 2/3rd's of the bottle 'accidentally' and then hurled.
Sal said "don't worry dude, it's not a metal show unless someone spews" hee hee! I'm sure to find you out and about again to share some!
Sal said "don't worry dude, it's not a metal show unless someone spews" hee hee! I'm sure to find you out and about again to share some!

So I am getting more and more gigs and I am so excited that things are someing along okay, but I can really use some more money.... But I will be grateful for what I have now.
Any other shows coming up in the near future? I've always wanted to go to one; missed my friend's show last month.
Hi there, I didn't realize you were on SG!
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every
man is a piece of the continent, a part of the
main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory
were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or
of thine own were: any man's death diminishes
me, because I am involved in...
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man is a piece of the continent, a part of the
main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory
were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or
of thine own were: any man's death diminishes
me, because I am involved in...
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I have been fucking desperate to learn how to play the drums... Just listening to Travis fucking kill it, on a lot of his solo projects, just puts that adrenaline in me to want to bang on pots to eventually something comes out that sounds like pure ecstasy. I have a long list of shit that needs to get done before I kick the bucket;...
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I realize today is one of those days where I want a lot of things. I want a tattoo some more piercings and I already pretty much said the other thing earlier.
I never had much respect for religion too often ignorance is preferred over knowledge (see Galileo or evolution) or the status quo over change/freedom (see slavery or equality) and the identification of positive act as unacceptable/immoral for some but not others (see homosexuality) - I always thought loving relationships were good (and sex is fun
BTW a belated welcome to SG and the Feminism group.

BTW a belated welcome to SG and the Feminism group.
I WANT SEX..... Good Sex.... Actually!!! Mind blowing!!! Earth shattering sex!!!!!! That is all....!!!!!
I am @ school right now, looking pretty fucking miserable and I am wondering wtf did I just do, to possibly fuck up the rest of this shitty existence...
For Fuck sake can this world be a little less shittier...

So last night I had my burlesque show and the crowd was so responsive and amazing... The more and more I get into the burlesque world I am so grateful that I am able to make sure that burlesque and beauty is being given so many perspectives. I love that I am the only black punk lez chick in my crew, and I am pretty...
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