With good there is sure to be bad creeping around the corner and showing slightly in the darkness its Fucked up face. I accidently called the land lady from the apt that I was suppose to be moving into, and she informed me that she gave the apt to another chick....ERRRRRRRRR!! So I responded by saying "it would have been nice to be informed this, I mean my girl called earlier that Friday and asked for you to confirm with her anything that you may need and whether you had received the necessary information." The dumb fuck, never called back, but she gladly put me and my girl through sending her the info and then she started asking very private questions " Oh well what does your girlfriend do?", "What does she do there?" what difference does it make! all that you need to know is that she is employed and capable of keeping up with her share of the rent. I am so over people!!! I just feel crushed!!! I need a hug!