Today is a day where I wish that someone would yell "CUT" and all that I know is removed and then replaced with another scene. Have you ever just thought 'damn! I wish that this life was nothing more than a movie'? Thats the feeling that I can't seem to shake today. I wish like hell that I was capable of shutting out the bad and moving forward but unfortunately when the bullshit hits so close to home, I am not able to escape it. I have spent 2 days wishing that I could just run; run until my legs give out, maybe running could some how get my mind off of the feeling of never being good enough...
Well ofcourse the day is still another day so I'm off to go try on a Can Can dress for this burlesque troupe and then off to the interview for a haunted house, and last but not least hang out with my friend Michelle and listen to some Open Mic.

Well ofcourse the day is still another day so I'm off to go try on a Can Can dress for this burlesque troupe and then off to the interview for a haunted house, and last but not least hang out with my friend Michelle and listen to some Open Mic.