well. i just got a job. a little camera store 4 blocks from my house. 2 or 3 days a week. enough to make some extra cash, AND staff discount!!!


going to be weird to go back to work after 3 months off. poooor me.
thats rite a sega genesis. with a xmen game... and... a sonic game maybe.

i went back to etown last week for a few days... left my car at my parents to be sold. kinda sad... as much as i don't need it or want it rite now, it was still suck a fucking rad car to drive. boo to money.

got a job offer...
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woo hoo. i'm a big winner. at bingo that is.

i won me a sega genesis lastnight... and got mighty loaded. horay for weeknight drinkin and a lack of a job.

i mean really... i should be enjoying this as much as possible!!
sega you say? genesis, you say?
wooooo, just call me mr. fucking productive.

been updating my site like mad (bisbing.com). and then later today i'm doing a shoot with my friend liz is who wants to be a suicide girl, so hopefully i can help her allong that riteous path!

and it's a beautiful fucking day outside. going to be rad to be out and aboot.

hope everyone else...
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wow, you have been a busy bee!

i am not having a great day. i feel like big doo-doo. frown
WOW. i just had the coolest aftenoon ever! (well, maybe not) but it was gat damn cool.

rally racing is fucking amazing. they guy that won was clocked at 188km/hr... on sketchy logging and fire gravel roades on the foothills of south west alberta.



my friend and i set a goal for ourselves... to do a rally race within the next 5 years...
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went to see xmen lastnight... pretty fun movie. then to the ship. good times there once again, minus the shrinking dart board corner... should be cool went renovations are done.


and tonight... RALLY RACING!!! haha. i'm super stoked to go see this tonight, then my friend and i are heading out for the day to check out saturdays stages. yeahaw... rally racing!!! smile
eeeeeeeeek!! a journal entry! more than one!

i hope the xmen is better than the matrix reloaded. man, that was so unsatisfying.

guess the friend? she's feeling better. she's still going to new york. she can't believe the molestics guy came off the stage in the middle of a song and pulled her up on stage for a dance. she can't remember much at all! i'm sure you know who i'm talking about.
The Ship's doing renos? Man, I haven't been there in ages. Finally some decent weather for the patio, though. So what kinda bands are you hooked up with? Corb Lund is really effin deck, btw.
woooooooooooooooo, lastnight being tuesday... involved the regular tuesday night action...

punk(drunk) rock bingo at the castle then off to the night gallery for $2.50 old stock (but they were out so i had to get kokane) and a FREE hotdog. haha. best deal in town.

yup. pretty fun night.

followed by another unemployed day. but i'm being productive, got some of the wall's covered with...
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it's 4am here. and i can't fucking sleep... i've never used one any sort of online journal and have not written in a diary since i was... 13 maybe. but shit i think it's time i start again.

i am feeling so... miss placed or lost in my skin. trapped in a loop in my mind of just turning things over and over and not...
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