Everyday we face different types of stresses, and sometimes those stresses manifest themselves in ways we aren't proud of.
Typically I store them in until the end of the day and I decompress with something to drink (whiskey or beer!), a joint (of herb), and a nice chat with my boyfriend/friend/family member. It's not ideal, but in most cases it gets me by.🍺💨
Videogames help when I need a distraction, I usually carry around my handheld systems. But on rare occasions some videogames create a different type of stress. When I can't get passed a certain level or boss, I find myself angry at the game and even more grumpy feeling about my day. So it's back to the bong to unwind haha.🕹🎮
Other times, I don't want to talk about it and need to zone out to work it through myself. Working out and physically getting out aggression with weight lifting helps a lot in those cases. The challenge of self discipline can really humble you and allow you to recharge your focus and redirect the flow of your thought processes.💪🏋
In simple situations, I just need to go for a walk, and people watch. When I remind myself of how small these stresses are compared to bigger, real problems in the world, my troubles aren't so dramatic. And in theory, not worth really stressing about. 👀
And on those less often occasions, when general life stresses or challenging life decisions occupy the space in my head for far too long, I book a mental trip. Psychedelic mushrooms can truly help you reevaluate and prioritize the things and people you love most. They help my brain rediscover the beauty in life and why I love and do what I do. They allow me to tap into emotions and feelings that we force ourselves to hold back day to day. I feel rejuventated and have my positive outlook on life again. It's not for everyone, and of course the amount you take and the state of mind you're in and who you're with can heavily influence the experience you will have. But when they're needed, they get the job done, and nothing is quite as relieving as that experience.🍄
Bixton signing off! Thanks for reading 😙
and thanks for the topic @rambo @missy love you ladies!