Oh my goodness!!
So guess who I got to hang out with the other day!
It is such a bittersweet memory! Well for other reasons because @myca was perfect and so was my friend Amy, who saved us these great spots near the pool. We sat in the burning sun, for dang near 5 hours! I only say burning because I got sun poisoning! Haha oh my it's so silly. I wore plenty of sunblock, but I enjoy being in the water so I think that's the main reason I might have been attacked =[
But I have spent my whole life in the sun haha. That sounds silly I know, I just mean I typically wear sunblock everyday and have been cautious when I tan(just wearing slightly less powerful sunblock) so I was very heartbroken that I couldn't properly protect my skin when I thought I had it under control. Thankfully I did not destroy any tattoos or skin (well noticeably ruined anyway, I know I did some damage somewhere)
I got this gnarly rash-like breakout called PMLE (Polymorphous light eruption) and it basically burned to be in the sun until it healed. It was itchy and sensitive...but I scratched it anyway. And now I have a bunch of little baby scabs that need lotion until they heal...
By far most traumatic sun exposure experience.
It's not even summer yet!!
Anyone else ever get such an epic sunburn?
OH and a BIG DUH!
My new set it out!! It is my favorite outdoor shoot ever! The SGStonerShootfest was so perfect I feel like this set was the big cherry on top of that amazing week. Shot by the always beautiful @alissa and @mister_ was there too! I would never forget the drive up to the location <3 I love my SG ladies so much!!
If you haven't checked it out, I suggest you do!
Follow that link! ^