So last night me and ze sister went to a premier showing of Hot tub Time Machine, and honestly it wasn't bad....
Haha that cat from Sex Drive is a character. That aside, I'm not a real fan of hot tubs haha. I don't like the heat too much unless of course it's cold out. I want to party in a hot tub though. Let's make it happen. Who's down?
Haha that cat from Sex Drive is a character. That aside, I'm not a real fan of hot tubs haha. I don't like the heat too much unless of course it's cold out. I want to party in a hot tub though. Let's make it happen. Who's down?
Ooo I seen this gal in my Psych. class with a corset on! I almost wanted to stop and chit chat with her about it, but didn't want her to get wierded out by me. Haha. She kind of appeared to be a normal lookin female too.
Spring break is coming up, I'm looking forward to using the free time to hopefully find me a new jorb!
My weekend was full of work, but it finally got out of the iceage here for the first time, so actually, fuck work -- it was A KILLER weekend!