Okay. New blog time.
Remember when I used ot have a new blog every 3 days or so? Yeah. Those were the times, nothing better to do than sit around on house arrest checkin up on SG folk. Good times good times.
Ever notice how I often don't have anything positive to say? Well, lets just change that. Here goes.
I am awesome.
I like kitties.
Tacos are good.
Tattoo apointment discussions are now in progtess, yay.
I acctually made some tips last night. YAY!
My car is the greatest car in all of car land.
Now for some good ole negative shit.
My VLT float was out $100.00 and I'm not a theif. FUCK!
I still have no studio and I'm no closer to having one then I was months ago. FUCK!
I'm not going to see my lady again for a LONG long time. FUCK!
My cat is asleep on me and I don't want to move him cuz he's awesome. FUCK!
Well that last one isn't really negative. I just felt I'd share.
I will soon be working all and only nights. One of these nights will be Saturday. This means that if my lady comes to visit me (since it cost's me a FORTUNE to go down there with hotels and what not) then I'll get to see her on Friday nights. ONLY. Cuz I'll wake up Saturday and then get ready and go to work. Then when I'm done work at 4 am I go home, she'd be asleep, then I wake up Sunday and I take her to the bus. The late bus. This sucks. AND since it isn't exactly free for her to come up here either, well...... I'm probably never gonna see her ever again. We can just have a cyber relationship, move into a website together, have lil cyber kids and............. wait. Yeah. Cyber kids. I WANT CYBER KIDS! And I wanna be RoboDad. Lile RoboCop, but I like...... serve booze and shit. Yeah. That'd be awesome.
AND ANOTHER THING............. I think a G.I.Joe live action movie would be awesome. Just thought I'd share.
Remember when I used ot have a new blog every 3 days or so? Yeah. Those were the times, nothing better to do than sit around on house arrest checkin up on SG folk. Good times good times.
Ever notice how I often don't have anything positive to say? Well, lets just change that. Here goes.
I am awesome.
I like kitties.
Tacos are good.
Tattoo apointment discussions are now in progtess, yay.
I acctually made some tips last night. YAY!
My car is the greatest car in all of car land.
Now for some good ole negative shit.
My VLT float was out $100.00 and I'm not a theif. FUCK!
I still have no studio and I'm no closer to having one then I was months ago. FUCK!
I'm not going to see my lady again for a LONG long time. FUCK!
My cat is asleep on me and I don't want to move him cuz he's awesome. FUCK!
Well that last one isn't really negative. I just felt I'd share.
I will soon be working all and only nights. One of these nights will be Saturday. This means that if my lady comes to visit me (since it cost's me a FORTUNE to go down there with hotels and what not) then I'll get to see her on Friday nights. ONLY. Cuz I'll wake up Saturday and then get ready and go to work. Then when I'm done work at 4 am I go home, she'd be asleep, then I wake up Sunday and I take her to the bus. The late bus. This sucks. AND since it isn't exactly free for her to come up here either, well...... I'm probably never gonna see her ever again. We can just have a cyber relationship, move into a website together, have lil cyber kids and............. wait. Yeah. Cyber kids. I WANT CYBER KIDS! And I wanna be RoboDad. Lile RoboCop, but I like...... serve booze and shit. Yeah. That'd be awesome.
AND ANOTHER THING............. I think a G.I.Joe live action movie would be awesome. Just thought I'd share.
OMG!!! I got the bestest bestest bestest taco sweater in the world today! I really must take a picca

kitties ARE good. when my cat falls asleep on me, i just pick him up and carry him around and do whatever i'm doing, and he pretty much continues sleeping. my cats are kind of the shit.