Long story no more.
Short one today.
I like my comunity hours at The 25th Street Theatre. I really do. Nicole, the boss lady, is smiley and friendly. I like that. She treats me like people. Not like a big scary convict.
There's a VERY hot young lass that also works there. She's offensively hot. Like she no shit hurt my feelings she was so damn hot. Seemed to like the flityness of self. But hey. Who doesn't?
I enjoy what I do there. It's boring monotonous work. That shit is the BEST. For me it just becomes a moving meditation and I don't notice time go by. It also helps that today I was all things Zen. This was goodness.
The hottie at the art school also seemed to quite like my flirtyness. And again. Of course she did. From now on I'm always gonna take my sweet ass time when I leave. It's only 3 hours a day. But those three tiny little blink and they're gone hours are spectacular.
What I've been doing is just making preperations for The Fringe. Those of you from SK better as fuckin Hell know what that is. Now. If anyone wants to help out, let me know. If anyone has any ideas for donations for prizes that we can give our volunteers this year that would be great. And for all of you who live in SK. If you aren't here for the Fringe this year.... I will kill you. Oh yes. I will.
Also at the Fringe I'll be selling (I hope) some of my favorite prints (in many sizes) as well as the two best posters that you may or may not have seen in my pics folder.
Befor the Fringe I'd like to do some shoots with Ginnerina and get some nice attitude shots of that sassy lass.
So in closing. Nice things happened in my head over the past week........... and I'm back. Oh yeah. Me.
And at this moment (1:33pm) The Good Reverend has
43 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes, 35 seconds left.
Short one today.
I like my comunity hours at The 25th Street Theatre. I really do. Nicole, the boss lady, is smiley and friendly. I like that. She treats me like people. Not like a big scary convict.
There's a VERY hot young lass that also works there. She's offensively hot. Like she no shit hurt my feelings she was so damn hot. Seemed to like the flityness of self. But hey. Who doesn't?
I enjoy what I do there. It's boring monotonous work. That shit is the BEST. For me it just becomes a moving meditation and I don't notice time go by. It also helps that today I was all things Zen. This was goodness.
The hottie at the art school also seemed to quite like my flirtyness. And again. Of course she did. From now on I'm always gonna take my sweet ass time when I leave. It's only 3 hours a day. But those three tiny little blink and they're gone hours are spectacular.
What I've been doing is just making preperations for The Fringe. Those of you from SK better as fuckin Hell know what that is. Now. If anyone wants to help out, let me know. If anyone has any ideas for donations for prizes that we can give our volunteers this year that would be great. And for all of you who live in SK. If you aren't here for the Fringe this year.... I will kill you. Oh yes. I will.
Also at the Fringe I'll be selling (I hope) some of my favorite prints (in many sizes) as well as the two best posters that you may or may not have seen in my pics folder.
Befor the Fringe I'd like to do some shoots with Ginnerina and get some nice attitude shots of that sassy lass.
So in closing. Nice things happened in my head over the past week........... and I'm back. Oh yeah. Me.
And at this moment (1:33pm) The Good Reverend has
43 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes, 35 seconds left.