Ooops. I slipped and banged my head, then A FUCKING RANT POURED THE FUCK OUT JUST IN TIME TO KEEP THE HOSTILITIES AT BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE EXCAMATION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU'VE EVER HEARD ME YELL THEN YOU KNOW WHY I USE SO DAMN MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
MODELS NOW!!!! Serioulsy. I'm as being polite as I possibly can....BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am, by law, a Reverend. Anyone who doesn't know this yet sucks. HA! Yes "my children" a reverend. Not a man of God. Just a reverend. I'm taking myself on a crusade, this of course is not to say that I'm gonna kill people (well, unless I find time) but still a crusade. I plan to marry every gay couple who can't find someone to do it. HEHE HOHO HAHA!!!!
Okay. Setlle now. I LOVE MY CAMERAS!! I alwyas have but going so long being someone you're not. Turning your back on the writing (I'm published) and the sculpting (had a few shows) and paiting (even had one lost in a great fire) and of course..... photography (I haven't done shit) that helped define who I am and what I do was not a good idea. This is not to say that I'm a photographer, though while qualified, I'm an artist. I do what I want, when I want, why I want, just because it makes me feel.... ANYTHING. Cold stone. I AM NOT! Apathetic philosopher convict/ Reverend/ artist/ mildy socipathic asshole with a soft spot for kittens.... yes. Yes, I am.
HOLY FUCK I CAN GO ON FOREVER!!!!!! I really can. about nothing. I'm doing it right now. At this very second. OH MY GOD WITH THE NOT STOPPING OF THE TALKING!!!!!
So. This guy fucked with a genie. A thing that you DO NOT do. Well whoopsie freaking doodle. My FUCKING MISTAKE!!!
I'm okay. Really I am.
How did I fuck with a genie you ask. Simple, I made a goal. A simple goal. AND I GOT FUCKED!!! While I have accomplished this goal. I can't enjoyt the spoils. Boo hiss damn FUCK!! I'm not getting into it anymore. It's really not important. Just annoying. Like someone startign a story and ending it abruptley.
I'm a hottie.
I'm in the top two percent of the world for IQ.
I'm in the top five percent of the world for size.
I forgot where I was going with this.... and I cant' reach that damn jar. DAMN!
Holy Mc. Hell burger it's cold in here.
Apocalyptica is what happens when Jesus says I wanna hear some serioulsy kick ass music.
Breaking Benjamin is almost as good as Suicide Girls multiple sets. ALMOST!!!
Saiko, Temper. Serioulsy ladies. CANADA! NOW! So says I.
The Good Reverend loves yah "my children".
April 20th. 12:49am
Random Suicide Girls asking me for buddies. I'm totally down with that.
Having one of them call me hot. Awesome.
Everyones favorite local SG having me in a dream. 3 cool
Women throwing themselves at me on and offline. Oh YEah.
Jaz being awesome and thinking I'm awesome. FUCK YEAH!!!
AND ONE MORE THING!!!!! Today has nothing to do with weed or any other drug! Today is Hitlers birthday. NOT A THING TO CELEBRATE!!!!! A thing to spit on and shit on!!!! Hitler = BAD not lets have a party for the facist, racist, antisocialist mother fuckinest stupidest fuck headedest retardedest pig cukinest FAG THAT EVER FAGED!!!
You can be as gay as you wanna be. Don't be a fag. That's right. Cease and desist in your insesent faggotry!!!!!!
The Good Reverend loves yah "my children".
For those of you who are unaware of the girthitude of The Good Reverend.
Me holding a can of Red Bull. Yes I am.
Me standing. At 6'5" 300 pounds. And just a little softness. Ah.... massive me........... how sweet it is.

MODELS NOW!!!! Serioulsy. I'm as being polite as I possibly can....BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am, by law, a Reverend. Anyone who doesn't know this yet sucks. HA! Yes "my children" a reverend. Not a man of God. Just a reverend. I'm taking myself on a crusade, this of course is not to say that I'm gonna kill people (well, unless I find time) but still a crusade. I plan to marry every gay couple who can't find someone to do it. HEHE HOHO HAHA!!!!
Okay. Setlle now. I LOVE MY CAMERAS!! I alwyas have but going so long being someone you're not. Turning your back on the writing (I'm published) and the sculpting (had a few shows) and paiting (even had one lost in a great fire) and of course..... photography (I haven't done shit) that helped define who I am and what I do was not a good idea. This is not to say that I'm a photographer, though while qualified, I'm an artist. I do what I want, when I want, why I want, just because it makes me feel.... ANYTHING. Cold stone. I AM NOT! Apathetic philosopher convict/ Reverend/ artist/ mildy socipathic asshole with a soft spot for kittens.... yes. Yes, I am.
HOLY FUCK I CAN GO ON FOREVER!!!!!! I really can. about nothing. I'm doing it right now. At this very second. OH MY GOD WITH THE NOT STOPPING OF THE TALKING!!!!!
So. This guy fucked with a genie. A thing that you DO NOT do. Well whoopsie freaking doodle. My FUCKING MISTAKE!!!
I'm okay. Really I am.
How did I fuck with a genie you ask. Simple, I made a goal. A simple goal. AND I GOT FUCKED!!! While I have accomplished this goal. I can't enjoyt the spoils. Boo hiss damn FUCK!! I'm not getting into it anymore. It's really not important. Just annoying. Like someone startign a story and ending it abruptley.
I'm a hottie.
I'm in the top two percent of the world for IQ.
I'm in the top five percent of the world for size.
I forgot where I was going with this.... and I cant' reach that damn jar. DAMN!
Holy Mc. Hell burger it's cold in here.
Apocalyptica is what happens when Jesus says I wanna hear some serioulsy kick ass music.
Breaking Benjamin is almost as good as Suicide Girls multiple sets. ALMOST!!!
Saiko, Temper. Serioulsy ladies. CANADA! NOW! So says I.
The Good Reverend loves yah "my children".
April 20th. 12:49am
Random Suicide Girls asking me for buddies. I'm totally down with that.
Having one of them call me hot. Awesome.
Everyones favorite local SG having me in a dream. 3 cool
Women throwing themselves at me on and offline. Oh YEah.
Jaz being awesome and thinking I'm awesome. FUCK YEAH!!!
AND ONE MORE THING!!!!! Today has nothing to do with weed or any other drug! Today is Hitlers birthday. NOT A THING TO CELEBRATE!!!!! A thing to spit on and shit on!!!! Hitler = BAD not lets have a party for the facist, racist, antisocialist mother fuckinest stupidest fuck headedest retardedest pig cukinest FAG THAT EVER FAGED!!!
You can be as gay as you wanna be. Don't be a fag. That's right. Cease and desist in your insesent faggotry!!!!!!
The Good Reverend loves yah "my children".
For those of you who are unaware of the girthitude of The Good Reverend.
Me holding a can of Red Bull. Yes I am.

Me standing. At 6'5" 300 pounds. And just a little softness. Ah.... massive me........... how sweet it is.

Ur like sum type of super hero running thru the lands marrying gay couples and kicking uncle sam in the balls, good work man, a tip of the hat to u
WOW! You are one all mighty father